League of Legends: Preview of Buffs and Nerfs in Patch 14.12

League of Legends: Preview of Buffs and Nerfs in Patch 14.12

5. June 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

League of Legends players, get ready for some significant changes coming your way in Patch 14.12! Riot Games has released a preview of the upcoming buffs and nerfs, and this patch promises to shake up the meta once again.

In this detailed guide, we’ll break down all the changes, including adjustments to champions, items, and runes. Stay ahead of the competition by knowing what’s coming and how it will impact your gameplay.

Champion Buffs List

  • Ezreal
  • Karma
  • Naafiri
  • Nilah
  • Talon
  • Vladimir
  • Xayah
  • Yone
  • Yuumi


Champion Nerfs List

  • Akali
  • Akshan
  • Ashe
  • Blitzcrank
  • Master Yi
  • Rek’Sai
  • Skarner
  • Tryndamere
  • Twisted Fate
  • Varus

Champion Adjustments List

  • Aatrox
  • Corki

league of legends patch 13.5 patch notes all buffs nerfs changes coming in lol patch 13.5 update (1)

Rune Changes List

  • First Strike Rune: Nerf to gold generation and damage amplification.

Item Changes List

  • Serylda’s Grudge: Increased armor penetration and reduced cost.
  • ADC Critical Items: Small adjustments to balance power and viability.

Champion Buffs

Riot Games has targeted several champions for buffs in Patch 14.12. These changes aim to enhance their viability and performance in various roles.

league of legends patch 13.13 patch notes all buffs nerfs changes coming in lol patch 13.13 update


Ezreal will see an increase in his base AD and AD scaling, providing him with a stronger early and late game presence. Expect Ezreal to be more impactful in both lane and team fights.


Karma’s Q damage and E shield strength are set to increase, making her a more formidable support and mid-lane presence. This should help her better protect allies and poke enemies.


Naafiri is receiving buffs to her passive and ultimate cooldown, enhancing her overall utility and survivability in fights. These changes will make her a more reliable pick in various team compositions.


Nilah’s lifesteal from her passive is getting a boost, allowing her to sustain better in prolonged engagements. This change will likely increase her popularity in the jungle and top lane.

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Talon will see buffs to his W damage and reduced cooldown on his R, improving his burst potential and mobility. These changes will make him an even deadlier assassin.


Vladimir’s Q healing and reduced E cooldown will make him more resilient and capable of sustaining himself in battles. This should bolster his presence in both mid and top lane.


Xayah’s W attack speed and R cooldown will be improved, enhancing her damage output and survivability in skirmishes. Expect her to become a more prominent ADC choice.


Yone’s passive damage and E cooldown reduction will make him a more formidable duelist and team fighter. These buffs will solidify his role as a versatile mid-laner.


Yuumi’s passive healing and Q damage are set to increase, making her a more effective support. These changes will help her better aid her ADC and poke enemies from a safe distance.

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Champion Nerfs

Several champions are on the receiving end of nerfs in Patch 14.12. These adjustments aim to tone down their dominance and balance the playing field.


Akali’s Q damage and E cooldown are being reduced, curbing her burst potential and mobility. This should make her less oppressive in the mid lane.


Akshan will see a reduction in his base AD and Q damage, limiting his early game aggression and dueling capability. This change will temper his power in the mid and late game.


Ashe’s W cooldown and R damage are set to decrease, reducing her poke and engage potential. This will make her less overwhelming in the bot lane.



Blitzcrank’s base health and W movement speed are being nerfed, making him less tanky and mobile. This should make him more manageable in the support role.

Master Yi

Master Yi’s Q damage and R cooldown are being reduced, limiting his burst and chase potential. This change aims to balance his impact in solo queue and competitive play.


Rek’Sai’s base AD and Q damage are set to decrease, curbing her early game power and dueling capability. This should balance her presence in the jungle.


Skarner’s E damage and R cooldown are being reduced, limiting his crowd control and engage potential. This change will make him less oppressive in team fights.

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Tryndamere’s base AD and E cooldown are being nerfed, reducing his dueling potential and mobility. This should make him less dominant in the top lane.

Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate’s W cooldown and R vision range are set to decrease, limiting his global presence and crowd control. This will make him less impactful in the mid lane.


Varus’s base AD and Q damage are being reduced, curbing his poke and burst potential. This should balance his presence in the bot lane.

league of legends patch 13.4 patch notes all buffs nerfs changes coming in lol patch 13.4 update

Champion Adjustments


Aatrox will receive adjustments to his passive healing and Q damage, balancing his sustain and damage output. These changes aim to make him a more consistent pick in the top lane.


Corki’s passive damage and E cooldown are being adjusted, balancing his burst and sustained damage. This should make him a more balanced choice in the mid lane.

Rune and Item Changes

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First Strike Rune

The First Strike rune is set to receive a nerf, reducing its gold generation and damage amplification. This change aims to balance its impact on champions like Corki and Karthus, who have dominated the meta with this rune.

Serylda’s Grudge

Serylda’s Grudge will see an increase in armor penetration and a reduction in cost, making it a more attractive choice for AD champions. This change will likely increase its usage across various builds.

ADC Critical Items

Several ADC critical items will receive small adjustments to balance their power and viability. These changes aim to fine-tune the itemization options for marksmen and ensure a healthy meta.

LoL: ADCs Out of Meta? Riot Reverts Planned ADC Changes for Patch 14.12


Patch 14.12 brings a host of significant changes that will impact the current meta in League of Legends. Whether you’re an avid player of the champions receiving buffs or you need to adjust your strategy due to nerfs, it’s essential to stay updated with these changes. Adapt your playstyle and item builds accordingly to maintain your edge in the game.