Evaluating the LCS Setup: A Mixed Bag of Reactions

Evaluating the LCS Setup: A Mixed Bag of Reactions

5. March 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

The LCS made headlines during its recent competition as players and on-camera talent found themselves in a significantly smaller setup compared to the usual spacious studio environment. This unexpected change sparked a flurry of mixed reviews and raised questions about the necessity of such a setup.

A Shift in Venue: Making the Best of a Challenging Situation

During a scheduling conflict with the VCT Americas Kickoff tournament, the LCS was bumped off the main stage and relocated to a smaller, private part of the Riot Games Arena. This makeshift setup, intended only for players and devoid of fans, presented an unusual backdrop for the weekend’s events.

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A “Cage Match” Atmosphere: Intimate and Gritty

Despite the less-than-optimal circumstances, the LCS embraced the unique setting, branding the event as a “cage match.” The close proximity of players within the compact space, reminiscent of a rustic garage with chain-link fences, fostered a gritty ambiance conducive to on-stage interactions and banter.

Community Reactions: Divided Opinions

Opinions within the LCS community were divided, with some questioning Riot’s decision to schedule both the LCS and VCT on the same day, while others commended the league for adapting to the situation. While some fans appreciated the unconventional vibe of the setup, others criticized it as inadequate and embarrassing.

Reflections on the Past: Nostalgia and Intimacy

For some, the close-quarters setup evoked nostalgia for the early days of the LCS, reminiscent of underground bunkers where players competed in the league’s infancy. This intimate atmosphere, reminiscent of a bygone era, offered a refreshing change from the detached, fanless environment of recent years.

Characteristics of the LCS Setup:

  • Unusual Setting: Relocated to a smaller, private area of the Riot Games Arena.
  • Compact Space: Encouraged close proximity and on-stage interactions among players.
  • Rustic Ambiance: Resembled a gritty garage with chain-link fences, enhancing the “cage match” atmosphere.
  • Temporary Arrangement: Adapted to a challenging scheduling conflict with the VCT Americas Kickoff tournament.

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A Temporary Departure from the Norm

While the LCS setup garnered mixed reviews from the community, it did not diminish the quality of gameplay. Despite the criticisms, the unique setting provided a glimpse into the league’s past and offered a brief return to the intimate ambiance that characterized its early years.

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