CS2 Commentator’s Scathing Critique of Team Liquid and Complexity in RMR Showdown

CS2 Commentator’s Scathing Critique of Team Liquid and Complexity in RMR Showdown

5. March 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

The PGL Copenhagen Major American RMR reached its pinnacle as Complexity faced off against Team Liquid in a decisive match for the only remaining NA CS2 Major spot. However, commentator Dustin “dusT” Mouret didn’t mince words, expressing frustration and disappointment with both teams for what he deemed as squandered opportunities.

Frustration Erupts as NA Teams Fall Short

Before the crucial Complexity vs. Liquid match, M80 Esports’ loss to Legacy set the stage for heightened tension. With no other NA teams in contention and only one slot available for Copenhagen, dusT unleashed his frustration, criticizing both Complexity and Liquid for failing to secure wins in earlier matchups.


Strong Words for Team Liquid

Addressing Liquid first, dusT conveyed his disappointment with a team boasting incredible talent and experience. He emphasized the need for resolving minor issues, asserting that Liquid could potentially rank among the world’s best teams.

Challenge to Complexity’s Players

Shifting focus to Complexity, dusT commended stars EliGE and hallzerk while challenging other members, specifically floppy and Grim, to elevate their performance. Expressing confidence in their potential as top riflers in NA, he urged them to rediscover their peak form and contribute significantly to the team.

Merit Behind Criticism

The commentary highlighted dusT’s frustration with floppy and Grim’s underwhelming performance at the RMR event, contrasting with their solid showings in previous tournaments. The critique emphasized the duo’s -37 K/D differential and an average HLTV player rating of approximately 0.9, while EliGE and hallzerk carried the team.


High Stakes Showdown

As of now, Complexity and Team Liquid are locked in a tense battle for the final Americas spot at the Copenhagen Major. The outcome not only determines the sole NA representative at the first CS2 Major but also underscores the pressure on both teams to deliver when it matters most.

Criticisms and Challenges:

  • dusT criticizes both Liquid and Complexity for failing to secure wins earlier in the tournament.
  • Strong words directed at Liquid, emphasizing their unrealized potential.
  • dusT challenges Complexity’s players, specifically floppy and Grim, to elevate their performance.

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