Worlds 2024 Semifinals: Paris Gears Up for the Big Showdown!

Worlds 2024 Semifinals: Paris Gears Up for the Big Showdown!

16. October 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

The esports world awaits each new update and event with bated breath, and 2024 is no exception. The acclaimed semifinals of the Worlds 2024 for League of Legends have found their venue, and the heart of Europe is all set to host it.

Wooloo’s Big Reveal

Wooloo, the renowned Belgian reporter, has unveiled the news that has rocked the gaming world: Paris is the chosen city to host the semifinals of this grand event. Despite the lack of official details about other tournament stages, excitement is already palpable in Parisian streets.

France at the Gaming Epicenter

The potential presence of Karmine Corp in the LEC, based on rumors alone, is already placing France as a major player in the 2024 League of Legends esports ecosystem. The icing on the cake, however, is undoubtedly Paris’s selection as the semifinals venue.

Karmine Corp, known for being one of the most impactful and renowned clubs in the esports arena, has been confirmed by Wooloo to join the LEC. Reports suggest that the organization aims for a full-fledged presence in the competition, without any collaborations with teams like Astralis.

The addition of this “blue wall” to the European scene, a club capable of filling stadiums with their events, is generating anticipation and hope among French fans, already counting days for the semifinals.

Paris: Center Stage Once Again?

Wooloo’s report, via Sheep Esports, confirms that the semifinals will take place in the majestic city of Paris. The city has already proven itself as a stellar host, being the venue for the 2019 Worlds final, where G2 Esports fell to FunPlus Phoenix.

Madrid also witnessed the magic of Worlds in 2019, with thrilling matches and historic moments, such as the victory of G2 Esports over T1.

Future Venues on the Horizon

With Paris now confirmed, questions arise about the next cities to join the venue list. Barcelona has been rumored heavily in recent weeks as a potential favorite. Will we see group stages or quarterfinals on Spanish soil? Only time will tell.

Semifinals in Doubt

As we await more details about League of Legends Worlds 2024, fans have more than enough reasons to be thrilled. France is gearing up to welcome the world’s best teams in a tournament that promises to be unforgettable.