Will Rainbow Six Mobile (R6M) be playable with a controller?

Will Rainbow Six Mobile (R6M) be playable with a controller?

25. September 2023 by miranda angeles

The legendary franchise gains a new game environment and a new platform with the launch of Rainbow Six Mobile R6M. This new video game will be available for both Android and iOS users and aims to bring the fundamental first-person shooter strategy experience to the palm of players’ hands.

With this new title, R6M lovers can enjoy their favorite video game on the go. Now, while for many gamers, playing on a touch screen is a lot of fun, many gamers would like to play R6M with controllers. If you are one of the people who want to know if you can play this new video game with a controller, read on.

Will Rainbow Six Mobile (R6M) be playable with a controller?

It is important to note that rarely do mobile games allow the use of controllers. For example, PUBG Mobile does not have official support for playing with controllers. However, CoD Mobile does allow the use of controllers. In CoD Mobile, the developers employ a unique matchmaking system for all players who use controllers to create fairer matches.

Since Rainbow Six is a popular console game, the gaming community is accustomed to using controllers. In the mobile version of Rainbow Six, players can experience the traditional attack versus defense gameplay. Best of all, they will be able to play the same operators and the same maps.

Now, the question is, is Rainbow Six Mobile controller compatible? According to the information revealed by Ubisoft, R6M will not be compatible with controllers in its early access period.

It is important to note that the developers mentioned that R6M will not be compatible with controllers in the launch period. However, it is unknown if it will be playable with controllers in the future like CoD.

Rainbow Six Mobile Early Access

Rainbow Six Mobile is currently in a soft launch phase and is accessible in some regions, such as Canada and Mexico. The game’s developers are doing a progressive release; this way, they can polish the game and fix bugs R6M may have. As time goes by, this new videogame will reach more regions of the world. If you want to try the game, you must be attentive to know when it will be available in your region.

Trigger use in Rainbow Six Mobile

Although Rainbow Six Mobile is not officially compatible with a controller, players can use a trigger controller and take full advantage of it. This is possible because you can adjust the HUD to match your trigger in the game.

Steps to adjust the HUG in R6M

  • You must open Rainbow Six Mobile and connect your trigger to your mobile.
  • Then, you must access the settings in the gear symbol.
  • Now, you must select the option “Customize HUG.” This option allows you to customize all the positions, button opacities, and sizes.
  • Then, position the buttons according to where you want the trigger.