Will MOUZ get siuhy from GamerLegion?

Will MOUZ get siuhy from GamerLegion?

13. June 2023 by Andrew Williams

According to several reports, MOUZ is close to signing Polish player Kamil ‘siuhy’ Szkaradek from GamerLegion. siuhy has been with MOUZ NXT, MOUZ’s academy team. Apparently, MOUZ and Gamer Legion are already in the hot phase of talks. There are rumours that the deal will be done soon. However, there is no official confirmation yet.

Will Siuhy go back to MOUZ?

With the transfer, Siuhy would end up back at MOUZ. He was with the organisation for a year before, from mid-2021 to 2022. He joined GamerLegion roughly a year ago and kept being an in-game leader. Throughout this period he made a name for himself and gained a lot of experience. Of course this lead to him and GamerLegion making it to the Grand Final of the recent BLAST Paris Major and a lot more organisations are interested in him now.

A good player will always run the risk of being poached by another organisation and apparently it is quite possible that he will end up back at MOUZ soon. There he would meet again ƁdĆ”m “torzsi” TorzsĆ”s, Jon “JDC” de Castro and Dorian “xertioN” Berman, with whom he used to play in NXT.

Siuhy would replace Dexter

siuhy would take the place of Australian Christopher “dexter” Nong at MOUZ. It is not yet clear what will happen next for Dexter. Apparently, however, he has enough interested organisations who would like to sign him. GamerLegion will look a little more lacklustre without their star IGL and the question is who has what it takes to replace him in the lineup. Julian ‘morxzas’ Miculcy said that quite a few top teams showed interest in some of their individuals but that GamerLegion is hopeful to keep the squad as it is. “If we want to stay in Tier1, we have to keep the team together and I believe we have a great chance of doing that,” he said.

For MOUZ, siuhy would finally bring a breath of fresh air to the team as they are a bit stagnant there right now. Although they finished second at the IEM Dallas, the big results have not come. At the Paris Major last year, things went extremely badly and overall they were unable to put in a consistent performance.

If the transfer goes through, MOUZ’s line-up would look like this:

  • Kamil “siuhy” Szkaradek
  • Jon “JDC” de Castro
  • Dorian “xertioN” Berman
  • David “frozen” ČerňanskĆ½
  • ƁdĆ”m “torzsi” TorzsĆ”s
  • Dennis “sycrone” Nielsen (Coach)