Which LoL games have been the shortest in history?

Which LoL games have been the shortest in history?

19. May 2023 by miranda angeles

One of the most popular esports currently is League of Legends. Regardless of the accompanying meta, this has been common in the industry. While it’s true that viewers like to see how tournaments change over time, the meta can make games go on for a long time. However, it is not always the same, and there are exceptions. Today we present you the fastest games in the history of League of Legends.

The fastest LoL games in history

TopHard Esports vs. Another Troll Team: 7 minutes and 30 seconds

Although we are talking about a map used in a professional game, we can excuse this questionable record for issues unrelated to Summoner’s Rift. The Liga Tica de Leyendas, Costa Rica’s official league, hosted this game. Nexus was obliterated in about 7 minutes and 30 seconds. But anyone familiar with the mechanics of an LoL match understands that this is not typical.

In a normal game as an amateur player, we’ve all had similar experiences, but this is not typical in competitive League of Legends. However, after some connection issues for one of the players, the team asked their opponents to end the “suffering” as soon as possible. As a result, TopHard Esports took the victory and set a record. Unfortunately, despite how challenging it looked, the picks and bans phase and the wait for the spectator mode lasted longer than the game itself.

MSI – MAD Lions vs T1: 16 minutes and 47 seconds

While not the fastest map in MSI history, second only to IG vs. T1, we had a historical experience in this MSI 2023 a few days ago.

The MAD Lions team, led by Javier “Elyoya” Prades, had a difficult series against the legendary T1 team of Faker. However, the third map was the straw that broke the camel’s back. For that third map, the European team, looking for comfortable options, came out with champions that were out of the game’s goal.

However, they watched as T1 annihilated them in a match that lasted less than 17 minutes.

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World Cup – DAMWON vs. G2 Esports: 19 minutes 03 seconds

In the history of the LoL World Cups, the fastest “beating” did not happen many years ago. The Worlds 2020 semifinal match pitted the two teams, DAMWON and G2 Esports, against each other. Although the South Korean team had a 2-1 series lead going into the fourth map, what happened in this part of the match is still vivid in the minds of many LoL fans.

DAMWON is a team that won the World Championship that year; among its players were Nuguri, BeryL, or Ghost. Nevertheless, the South Korean team beat the legendary European quintet of G2 in just over 19 minutes.

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