clarifies the reason for the unexpected departure of KaiR0N in the RMR clarifies the reason for the unexpected departure of KaiR0N in the RMR

11. April 2023 by miranda angeles

A few days ago, we could see how one of the key players of unexpectedly left the team; when there was only one game left for the end of the qualifier for the last CS:GO Major to be held in Paris. However, days after KaiR0N-‘s departure, the CEO of clarified the reason for this departure.

During the regional RMRs, has stood out, not in a good way. The team has achieved the worst record any team can achieve. The last Major champion will not be present for the Paris Major 2023 resulted from suffering three consecutive defeats in the qualifiers.

However, things were not going well for the team long before the decisive match. First, announced it would make a last-minute change to its squad. This decision surprised the entire CS:GO community as it involved one of the team’s best players.

Several days after this unexpected change, the CEO of the team, Nikolai Petrossian, explained the reason for the decision to remove Aleksandr “KaiR0N-” Anashkin from CEO clarifies the reason for KaiR0N’s unexpected departure

Even though the team had only losses, it could be seen that KaiR0N- was one of the strongest players in the competition; even the CEO was aware of that. With all this, the team officials decided to change, and David “n0rb3r7” Danielyan became KaiR0N-‘s replacement.

However, this move did not bring the team’s expected results, as lost against MOUZ and was left out of the last CS:GO Major.

The change in the team has produced a lot of reproaches and continuous criticism, so Nikolai Petrossian had to come out to explain the reason for the change and apologize to all the team’s fans.

KaiR0N- no longer fits’s style of play

Nikolai Petrossian has issued a statement saying that the first two losses in the RMR were completely unacceptable for the organization. On the other hand, he comments that the technical team, in consultation with the club management, decided to change the player.

In addition, Petrossian, in his statement, emphasizes the strong K/D of KaiR0N-; however, he adds that everyone knows that this is not enough in the game. So the CEO argues that in CS:GO, there are other key factors and not only individual talent to achieve victory; for example, a team needs excellent communication, cooperation, and consistency in the team plays.

On the other hand, the statement comments that the team did not have enough time for KaiR0N- to fit perfectly into a sophisticated mechanic, which was aggravated by the pressure on which an RMR is based.

In addition, it can be seen from the announcement that the starting squad for will be known shortly, as they will soon be competing in the IEM Rio Major. It is not clear if n0rb3r7 will remain as a starting player or will be returned to the bench.

A fact that has upset the CEO is that they have started to give details about the change in the squad; so Petrossian adds in the statement that the team needs peace, so it would be better for the players to spend less time on social networks during the next few days.