Twitch’s “Together for Good” Charity Campaign

Twitch’s “Together for Good” Charity Campaign

24. November 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

Twitch, known for its vibrant streaming community, is embarking on a commendable initiative, the “Together for Good” charity campaign. This event challenges streamers to host charity streams from November 28 to December 3.

A Tradition of Generosity on Twitch

Since its inception, Twitch has been synonymous with philanthropy. Streamers and their communities have raised millions for charitable causes, often through creative and entertaining means like retro game auctions, dance marathons, or unique activities. Charity is a driving force that consistently brings the community together.

The Giving Tuesday Initiative

This Giving Tuesday, Twitch aims to rally the community for a united effort in hosting as many charity streams as possible. Streamers are encouraged to participate and raise funds for a cause dear to them.

Flexible Choice of Charity

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Participants can select any non-profit organization they wish to support using Twitch’s charity tool or Tiltify. To gain visibility, streamers can include hashtags like #TogetherForGood or #Charity in their stream tags or titles, potentially featuring on Twitch’s homepage.

Special Highlights and Matches

During the campaign week, various charity streams will support the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, with Twitch pledging to match community donations up to $100,000.

The campaign will also spotlight other organizations like Movember, Games Done Quick, Cure Cancer’s Game On Cancer, Trans Lifeline, and more. Custom alerts will celebrate community donations made via Twitch’s charity tool.

Exclusive Perks for Donors

Affiliates and partners using Twitch’s charity tool can unlock a special offer for their community. Donors contributing $5 or more through the tool will receive an exclusive chat badge, soon to be revealed.

Key Events and Participation

The charity streams kick off on Thanksgiving Tuesday, November 28, with the Twitch Rivals OG Map ft. Fortnite event starting at 23:00h. Viewers are encouraged to keep an eye on their favorite creators during this period.

Uniting the Streaming Community for a Cause

Twitch’s “Together for Good” campaign is a testament to the platform’s commitment to social good. It’s an opportunity for streamers and viewers alike to contribute to meaningful causes and celebrate the spirit of giving.