Twitch changes 70/30 profit sharing in its new Partner Plus program

Twitch changes 70/30 profit sharing in its new Partner Plus program

16. June 2023 by miranda angeles

Twitch executives will offer its partners a new sharing system. With the new Partner Plus program, the split of subscriptions between streamers and the platform will be 70/30 as long as the streamers meet certain requirements.

New Partner Plus program for Twitch partners

After a long period of complaints from streamers about the unfair sharing of their subscription earnings, it finally seems that Twitch executives have listened to their community. The streaming platform has reported that Twitch Partners will soon have the opportunity to receive a 70/30 split of subscriptions; this will only be possible for streamers who qualify for the platform’s new Partner Plus program.

For many people, this news may be wonderful. However, it will not be available to all content creators. If partners meet certain requirements, they will be eligible for the Partner Plus program and receive 70% of the earnings from their subscriptions.

Unfortunately, receiving that percentage of earnings will not be as easy as many had hoped. This new program offers such a sharing system. However, some conditions must be met.

How to join the Twitch Partner Plus program

To join the program, the first thing to be fulfilled is to be a Twitch partner.

Then you must get 350 subscribers for three consecutive months or more. Perhaps for many people, meeting this requirement is very easy, but it is not as simple as it seems.

Twitch executives have reported that Gifted subscribers and Prime subscribers do not count towards the requirement. Each content creator must have 350 Tier 1 subscribers to be eligible for Twitch’s Partner Plus program.

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Additional details on the Twitch Partner Plus program

As we’ve already discussed, gaining entry into Twitch’s Partner Plus program won’t be simple. It is important to mention that Prime Subs will also not be included in the 70/30 split within this new program. Fortunately, the division will include talented subscribers.

On the other hand, big content creators will also not be able to enjoy this new sharing program, as there is an annual earnings cap. To enjoy the 70/30 split, Twitch partners must not exceed the $100k annual cap on subscription earnings. If members exceed that limit, the profit sharing reverts to 50/50.

On the other hand, Twitch executives have informed you that if you are a member of the Partner Plus program and subscribers are less than 350, you will not be kicked out of the program for a full year.

Twitch has come under fire recently for its poor relationship with its creators. Now with the announcement of the new program, it seems to confirm that its biggest content creators are not being listened to. We can only wait for other partners to join Twitch’s new program.