Worlds 2023: Top Candidates for the Title

Worlds 2023: Top Candidates for the Title

9. October 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

We are just hours away from experiencing the kickoff of the most anticipated League of Legends esports event of the year. It’s about the most significant competition at the team level internationally. The best squads globally face each other head-to-head, vying for the title of the world’s best team.

Giants with a History in Worlds

Some teams are historic in this competition, either because of their track record in the event and their number of appearances or because of the number of titles they hold. The first case would be Fnatic, the team with the most appearances in the history of Worlds to date. On the other hand, we have T1, the storied Korean squad, which has hoisted the world trophy three times. Their legacy is genuinely unparalleled.

JD Gaming: The Rising Superpower


Without a doubt, JD Gaming stands out as the top contender. This Chinese team is on a roll, having won every tournament they participated in throughout the year, both in their league and internationally. After clinching the MSI earlier this year, they aim to secure their first world title, potentially becoming the first organization to win every tournament in a year.

Their roster is unmatched. Each player could be considered the best in their current position. With an outstanding 369 in the top lane and an inspired Ruler in the ADC role, they approach this tournament with great confidence.

Titan Rivalry: Gen.G

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Another formidable competitor is Gen.G. Their Korean counterpart has won both yearly tournaments in their region decisively, dispelling any doubts and coming solidly into this year’s most crucial event. The China-Korea rivalry might be particularly interesting in this tournament.

The players are top-tier. It could be said that each of them is at their peak, especially their mid-laner “Chovy”, who couldn’t be coming in hotter. Completely in his prime. However, “PeyZ” is also worth noting as another key player for the team.

T1: The Korean Legacy

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T1 is the second seed from Korea. The team led by Faker, the legendary mid-laner, has some issues coming into this year’s event. Although this wasn’t their best split, given their decisive loss to Gen.G, they qualified for the worlds, which is noteworthy. Plus, due to their stature, history, and trajectory, combined with individual and collective talent, T1 is always a contender at Worlds.

History proves it, being the most victorious team in the competition’s history. Accompanied by Zeus, Oner, Gumayusi, and Keria, the “Demon King” aims to add more trophies to his collection, including another world title.

Chinese Powerhouses: Bilibili Gaming and LNG Esports

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We should also highlight Bilibili Gaming and LNG Esports. These are two top-tier Chinese teams. Although slightly overshadowed by JDG’s prowess, they’ll prove that they’re teams to respect, being two of the world’s best currently.

In Bilibili, standout names include Bin in the top lane, Xun in the jungle, and Yagao in the mid lane. LNG, on the other hand, boasts talented players like Tarzan in the jungle, GALA in the ADC role, and Scout in the mid lane.

European Pride: G2 Esports

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Lastly, we must also mention G2 Esports. The reigning LEC champions come in as Europe’s top contender, the team upon which all hopes are pinned. While the region has several contenders,

G2 stands out as the most consolidated team with the most offensive power. They bring in many experienced players, such as BrokenBlade and Caps. They also have talented rookies like Yike in the jungle. They’re undoubtedly a team to watch and respect.

Bet on your Candidate!

If you trust any of these teams, don’t hesitate to place your bets on your favorite team on our official betting site, 22bet. We recommend choosing from this list since they are currently the most solid teams in the tournament. However, on the website, you can choose any team you like. There you can bet on thousands of competitions, including TI23, Worlds, Majors, and many others. Choose your contender and place your bet!