TI12 Highlights: The Unpredictable Hero Selections of Evil Geniuses

TI12 Highlights: The Unpredictable Hero Selections of Evil Geniuses

18. October 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

As the fervor of the International Dota 2 Championship 2023 continues, enthusiasts and analysts dive deep into team strategies and hero selections. One aspect that has caught the attention of many is the unpredictable hero selections of Evil Geniuses.

Team Spirit’s Impressive Win Rate

A prominent Dota 2 fan, known by the Reddit handle gopya23, unveiled some intriguing statistics about the performance of teams during the group phase of the championship. Among the highlights, Team Spirit dominated the charts with an enviable 100% win rate. Having won all ten matches they played, Team Spirit solidified their status as a top contender and showcased their current impeccable form.

Evil Geniuses: A Parade of Unique Heroes

In stark contrast to Team Spirit’s performance, the Peruvian squad, Evil Geniuses, drew attention for a different reason. They flaunted the widest variety of hero selections in the tournament, deploying a whopping 38 distinct heroes. This approach seemed a tad unconventional, especially when considering their subpar performance. Was it a deliberate strategy to keep opponents guessing, or an act of desperation to find a winning formula with different heroes? Only the team knows for sure.


PSG Quest and Beastcoast: Playing it Safe

On the opposite side of the spectrum, both PSG Quest and Beastcoast leaned on a smaller pool of heroes, with each team selecting only 25 throughout the tournament. Their strategy was evident: stick to what works best. By frequently opting for their most utilized heroes, both teams aimed for stability and consistency in their matches.

Looking for the Best Alternatives

While diverse hero selections can bring unpredictability and a potential edge in matches, they can also be a double-edged sword if not executed with precision. Evil Geniuses’ unique approach at TI12 serves as a testament to this. As the tournament progresses, it remains to be seen if teams will continue with their current strategies or if they’ll adapt based on their opponents and the stakes at play.