Team Liquid’s Stand-In Strategy for ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023

Team Liquid’s Stand-In Strategy for ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023

25. November 2023 by Never

Visa Complications for 33 at ESL One Kuala Lumpur

Team Liquid faces a significant challenge as they prepare for the ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023, particularly concerning their offlaner, Neta “33” Shapira. According to Team Liquid’s coach, William “Blitz” Lee, 33 may miss the tournament due to visa issues related to his Israeli nationality. This development was discussed in a recent podcast by Dota 2 caster Austin “Cap” Walsha.

ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023: A High-Stakes Tournament

Scheduled from December 11th to 17th, the ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023 is a major event in the Dota 2 calendar, featuring 12 teams competing for a share of the one-million-dollar prize pool.

Potential Stand-in: Jonáš “SabeRLight-” Volek

The lack of diplomatic relations between Israel and Malaysia is speculated to be the root cause of 33’s visa difficulties. Jonáš “SabeRLight-” Volek from Shopify Rebellion is likely to stand in for 33. Blitz mentioned, “Decent chance he’s [SabeRLight-] our stand-in though if we make it…probably Saber[Light-] will be standing for that if we make it.”

Team Liquid’s Expected Lineup

The lineup for the tournament, barring 33’s absence, is expected to include:

  • Michael “miCKe” Vu
  • Michał “Nisha” Jankowski
  • Jonáš “SabeRLight-” Volek (Stand-in)
  • Samuel “Boxi” Svahn
  • Aydin “iNSaNiA” Sarkohi

33 has previously faced similar issues, missing the Bali Major 2023 earlier this year.

33’s Official Signing and SabeRLight-‘s Role

Team Liquid officially announced the signing of 33 on November 10th, an event highlighted across various platforms, including a tweet and an announcement stream. SabeRLight-, known for his aggressive playstyle with heroes like Brew Master, Primal Beast, and Axe, could seamlessly fit into Team Liquid’s aggressive strategy.

33 replace

The Impact of SabeRLight-‘s Inclusion

Integrating SabeRLight- into Team Liquid’s lineup for the ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023 presents an intriguing scenario. His hero pool and aggressive playstyle align well with Team Liquid’s approach, potentially leading to a synergistic and dynamic gameplay.

Team Liquid’s Strategic Shift: SabeRLight- as Possible Stand-in at ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023

The potential inclusion of SabeRLight- as a stand-in for 33 poses an interesting development for Team Liquid’s strategy in the upcoming ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023. The team’s adaptability and synergy with the new lineup will be critical in navigating the high-stakes competition.