Team Heretics Unveils Stellar LEC Roster for 2024

Team Heretics Unveils Stellar LEC Roster for 2024

6. December 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

Team Heretics, the Spanish esports organization, is gearing up for a monumental 2024 LEC (League of Legends European Championship) season. The team has officially announced its highly anticipated roster, featuring a blend of proven champions and emerging talents.

The MSI-Winning Trio


  • Core Players: The roster is headlined by the former MSI-winning trio – Wunder, Jankos, and Perkz. This formidable group, previously under G2 Esports, achieved significant success, including a victory at MSI 2019.
  • Roles and Expertise:
    • Wunder: Dominates the top lane with his strategic play.
    • Jankos: Known for his impressive jungle control.
    • Perkz: A mid-lane maestro, bringing experience and leadership.

Dynamic Bot Lane Duo

  • Flakked: The AD carry, who debuted in the LEC with G2 in 2022 and quickly earned acclaim.
  • Kaiser: The support player, celebrated for his contribution to MAD Lions’ victories in both the LEC Spring and Summer Split playoffs in 2021.

Strategic Coaching

  • Peter Dunn: The seasoned coach tasked with guiding this diverse roster.

Heretics’ Ambitious Vision

  • 2024 Outlook: With a mix of experienced veterans and rising stars, Team Heretics’ 2024 lineup is a balance of strategic prowess and youthful energy.
  • Objective: Aiming to carve out a successful path in the LEC, particularly after missing the 2023 League of Legends World Championship.

Former MSI Champions to Lead Heretics in the 2024 LEC Season

The 2024 LEC season is shaping up to be a thrilling spectacle, with Team Heretics positioning itself as a strong contender. The combination of a seasoned core and dynamic new talent under the guidance of an experienced coach makes this team one to watch in the upcoming season.