Team BDS and Their Shocking Loss to Team Whales at Worlds

Team BDS and Their Shocking Loss to Team Whales at Worlds

11. October 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

Worlds 2023 has witnessed its share of surprises, but none as jaw-dropping as the recent defeat of Team BDS, a favorite from the LEC, at the hands of Team Whales, Vietnam’s second seed.

A Promising Start Followed by a Steep Fall

Team BDS entered with enviable momentum after their 3-0 victory over Golden Guardians, a win that lifted Europe’s competitive spirit and solidified EU’s dominance over NA. However, this euphoria was short-lived.

Facing off against Team Whales seemed, at first glance, a guaranteed win for LEC’s fourth seed. But what unfolded was a performance many would dub as laughable. Team BDS was not only defeated but was outmaneuvered in strategy, skill, and execution by the Vietnamese team.

Adam and His Controversial Performance

Adam BDS Worlds Play In

Adam, the top laner for Team BDS, has been at the center of criticism. Despite having a dominant first map with his Darius, the subsequent games saw a notable decline in his performance. His decisions and plays in the third map have become meme-worthy and heavily critiqued by the community.

The loss of Team BDS is particularly startling when considering that GAM, Vietnam’s first seed, fell 2-0 to Brazil’s LOUD. This puts into perspective the expected prowess of LEC compared to other regions.


What’s Next for Team BDS?

Despite this setback, Team BDS still has a chance at redemption. They will face off against a DFM that, while deemed weak, should not be underestimated. If Team BDS can overcome this hurdle, even more challenging matchups lie ahead.

The LEC has had its share of letdowns in previous Worlds, like MAD Lions’ defeat in the 2022 Play-In. However, hope remains for Team BDS to bounce back and showcase Europe’s true potential on the world stage.


Will They be able to Get Up?

Team BDS’s journey in Worlds 2023 is far from over. Despite the recent hurdles, this team has the potential and skill to turn things around. However, they will need to focus, learn from their mistakes, and most importantly, play as a cohesive unit if they wish to advance in the competition. In Lol esports (League of Legends esports) nothing its certain.