T1’s Controversial Win as Esports Team of the Year: Deserved or Not?

T1’s Controversial Win as Esports Team of the Year: Deserved or Not?

4. December 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

T1, a name synonymous with dominance in the esports arena, especially in League of Legends, found itself at the center of a heated debate following their win at the Esports Awards.

Garnering the title of “Best Esports Team of the Year” ignited a firestorm of discussion. This Korean powerhouse, famed for its remarkable track record in international tournaments, notably securing their fourth World Championship title, faced a year of mixed results in 2023.

Highlights and Lows of T1 in 2023

Despite the legendary performances by Faker, one of esports’ most celebrated figures, T1’s journey through 2023 was a rollercoaster.

They clinched the second spot in the Spring Playoffs, landed a third-place finish at the MSI, and again found themselves as runners-up in the LCK Summer Playoffs. These achievements, while commendable, sparked questions about the award’s criteria.

LeagueOfLegends Worlds2023 Finals T1 SummonersCup

The Debate: Merit and Recognition

The decision to crown T1 has split opinions among fans and analysts alike. Alternative contenders like JDG, who showed consistent excellence across various tournaments, except for a third-place finish at Worlds, were considered by many as potential winners.

Additionally, voices in the community advocated for acknowledging achievements in esports genres beyond League of Legends, suggesting a broader spectrum for the award.

Redefining Excellence in Esports

This controversy has reignited discussions about the criteria that define the “best” in esports. The essence of these awards, often labeled as “meme awards” by some, is now under scrutiny.

The community is calling for a more profound reflection on what constitutes true excellence and merit in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of competitive gaming.


A Storm of Opinions in the Esports Community

T1’s win at the Esports Awards as the “Best Team of the Year” serves as a catalyst for a broader conversation on excellence in esports.

While their achievements are undeniable, the controversy highlights the need for clear, comprehensive criteria that encompass the diverse and multifaceted nature of competitive gaming.

This debate opens the door for future awards to be more inclusive and reflective of the entire esports ecosystem. League of Legends esports