s1mple reveals that NAVI will not fire their coach B1ad3

s1mple reveals that NAVI will not fire their coach B1ad3

13. June 2023 by miranda angeles

Recently, Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyljev has revealed that NAVI has no plans to fire coach Andrij “B1ad3” Ghorodensjkyj.

NAVI’s difficulties

The Natus Vincere team, for some time, has had some difficulties that have prevented them from achieving top places in the championships in which they have participated. During the last few tournaments, the Ukrainian team has only achieved terrible results in top-level competitions; for example, 9-11th place in the 2023 Paris Major.

Therefore, many people have speculated about a possible departure of the team’s coach; rumors claimed that Andrij “B1ad3” Ghorodensjkyj would be fired from NAVI due to poor performances.

However, s1mple, the famous AWPer of NAVI, denied all rumors of the possible departure of B1ad3 from NAVI. The Ukrainian player in a live broadcast answered his followers and asked them some questions about the coach’s departure; s1mple commented that the coach would not leave his position in the team. In addition, the player told all his followers to ignore all such rumors.

s1mple comments that everyone who has made that substitution has been wrong. Furthermore, s1mple adds How dumb do you have to be to claim that B1ad3 will be fired from NAVI or that B1ad3 will leave the organization and states that this is total nonsense.

On the other hand, s1mple adds that people who create such rumors have no idea about the game; the player assures that B1ad3 is one of the smartest guys he has ever met. The decision to leave NAVI will only be up to the coach. However, s1mple knows that rumors exist and wonders how a person could be so dumb to say something like that.

Pimp talks about rumors of NAVI’s staff change

Analyst and former professional CS:GO player Jacob “Pimp” Winneche has also commented on the rumors circulating on social media about the possible change in NAVI’s staff. According to Pimp, NAVI firing their coach would be a complete mistake for the organization.

It is important to note that the Ukrainian team has enjoyed incredible success since B1ad3 joined as a coach of NAVI’s CS:GO team. Remember that B1ad3 joined the staff in the winter of 2019.

B1ad3’s success as NAVI’s coach has been so impressive that it even surpasses the glory days of CS 1.6 experienced by s1mple, considered by all gamers worldwide as the best CS 1.6 player in history. Now, thanks to the joint work done by NAVI players, who B1ad3 has guided, they have won first place in 18 tournaments since 2021.

Thanks to the excellent work that B1ad3 has done as NAVI’s coach, he has received a lot of personal honors. In 2022, B1ad3 was awarded as the best Esport coach of that year. But that’s not all; B1ad3 has also been awarded HLTV Coach of the Year twice.