Rubius, the Spanish streamer, has been banned from Twitch for the second time

Rubius, the Spanish streamer, has been banned from Twitch for the second time

20. May 2023 by miranda angeles

One of the most famous streamers considered the Spanish king on Twitch, Ruben “Rubius,” a couple of days ago, was banned from the platform. This ban has caused great displeasure to the streamer’s fans; it has also caught the attention of many people since we are talking about one of the most popular content creators on Twitch.

The news of the ban was made known through the Twitter account StreamerBans. This account is an automated bot that tracks every single ban that occurs on Twitch.

Rubius, the Spanish streamer, has been banned for the second time from Twitch

After the information that Rubius had been banned from Twitch was made public, the streamer’s fans filled the publication with questions; everyone wanted to know why the Twitch managers had taken this measure. However, no one has a clear answer.

This Twitch streamer, one of the platform’s biggest stars, has more than 14 million followers; moreover, during the last month, his streams have had an average of 21,000 viewers simultaneously.

Ribius fans investigate the reason for streamer’s banning

Many of the content creator’s fans remembered the reason for the first suspension of Rubius in November last year. On that occasion, the content creator misunderstood Sega regarding the release of Sonic Frontiers, thus resulting in a suspension due to copyright.

However, in this second banning, there has not been an explanation that clarifies the cause in social networks, nor have those in charge of Twitch explained it.

So the fans have taken the task of getting to the bottom of this mysterious banning of the Rubius; in addition, it is assumed that later the Ribius will comment on the reason for being punished by Twitch.

However, fans have not stopped asking questions on social networks, but unfortunately, they have not found a clear answer. On the other hand, some Rubius fans compare this banning case with DegenerIA, another platform streamer; many believe they may be related.

However, despite the concern of many Rubius fans that they will no longer be able to see one of their favorite streamers, everything is now resolved. The banning of this content creator was only for a few hours, and now all the streamer’s fans can enjoy his content again.

So apparently it was just a violation of Twitch’s terms and conditions. The reason for this ban does not compare to his first ban, which was for copyright and was much more serious.