Matchfixing Scandal Rocks Vietnamese LoL Scene: Riot Issues Multiple Permabans

Matchfixing Scandal Rocks Vietnamese LoL Scene: Riot Issues Multiple Permabans

4. June 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Riot Games has concluded a thorough investigation into matchfixing allegations within the Vietnamese League of Legends scene, resulting in significant sanctions against numerous players. The ruling comes after extensive behind-the-scenes scrutiny, revealing widespread violations of the Global Code of Conduct.

Severe Sanctions Across the Board

The sanctions handed out are severe, with the Vietnamese Championship Series (VCS) seeing players from eight different professional teams banned from participating in Riot-sanctioned events. The penalties include:

  • Eight permanent bans: These players are barred for life from competing in any Riot-affiliated competitions.
  • Six three-year bans: These players are suspended from all professional play for three years.
  • Several one- to two-year bans: Additional players face bans ranging from one to two years.

While some players had their suspensions lifted, allowing them to return for the upcoming 2024 Summer Split, the overall message from Riot is clear: competitive integrity is paramount.



Breach of Competitive Integrity

Although Riot has not disclosed specific details of the violations, the VCS emphasized a zero-tolerance policy towards actions compromising competitive integrity. The implicated players’ actions were severe enough to merit life bans, underscoring the gravity of their misconduct.

Many players breached Article Three of the Esports Global Code of Conduct. This article covers a broad spectrum of misconduct, including:

  • Cheating
  • Studio and venue interference
  • Threats
  • Bribery
  • Gambling
  • Matchfixing

In addition, some players violated Article 4.1, which mandates that any violations of the Code of Conduct must be reported to Riot upon awareness. This suggests that some players knew of their teammates’ illicit activities but failed to report them, resulting in shorter, yet still substantial, bans. The shortest ban period is eight months.

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Notable Banned Players

Among the banned are several notable figures who have represented Vietnam at international League events:

  • Trần “BeanJ” Văn Chính
  • Lê “Gloryy” Ngọc Vinh
  • Bùi “Froggy” Văn Minh Hải

These players have now been removed from the professional scene, impacting the competitive landscape of Vietnamese League of Legends.

gloryy beanj vcs polemica 2024

Other Known Matchfixing Cases in League of Legends:

  • Lee “Fury” Jin-yong and Kang “Haru” Min-seung (SBENU Sonicboom):
    • Both players were found guilty of matchfixing during the LCK 2015 Summer Split. They were banned indefinitely from participating in any Riot-affiliated competitions.
  • Cheon “Promise” Min-ki and Choi “Crave” Byeong-hoon (AHQ Korea):
    • In 2013, both players were involved in a matchfixing scandal where they intentionally lost games for betting purposes. Promise later revealed the scandal in a heartfelt confession, leading to a lifetime ban for both players.
  • Yu “Mor” Du and Wang “JoKer” Shijie (Newbee):
    • In 2017, these players were caught in a matchfixing scheme where they conspired to lose games in the LPL. Both were banned from professional play for two years.
  • Bae “Woong” Woong (MiG Frost/CLG.EU):
    • Woong was banned in 2012 for intentionally losing a match during a qualifier for the Season 2 World Championship. He received a one-year suspension from competitive play.
  • Cheon “Hojin” Hojin and Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok (SKT T1):
    • Although Faker was never found guilty, Hojin admitted in 2016 that he was approached to fix matches during his early career. The incident highlighted the pervasive issue of matchfixing in the scene.
  • An “Ian” Jun-hyeong and Kang “Move” Min-su (ESC Ever):
    • Both players were implicated in a 2016 matchfixing investigation where they allegedly agreed to lose games. Riot handed out suspensions and fines to deter future incidents.
  • Ming “Clearlove” Kai and Gao “Wei” Xuecheng (EDward Gaming):
    • In 2019, both players were investigated for matchfixing allegations. While not found guilty, the investigation brought significant attention to the integrity issues within the LPL.

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Moving Forward

Riot’s decisive actions highlight the importance of maintaining competitive integrity and the severe consequences of violating these principles. The bans serve as a stern warning to all players and teams about the seriousness of matchfixing and related misconduct.

As the 2024 Summer Split approaches, the VCS will look to rebuild and ensure that future competitions are free from such unethical practices. This scandal marks a turning point, with the hope that stricter oversight and enforcement will preserve the integrity and fairness of competitive play.