Riot Games’ New Sponsorship Policy: What You Need to Know

Riot Games’ New Sponsorship Policy: What You Need to Know

18. March 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

In response to the economic challenges faced by the esports industry, Riot Games has unveiled a bold new strategy to sustain the growth of its flagship title, League of Legends.

This initiative, inspired by the success of the VALORANT Champions Tour (VCT), aims to diversify revenue streams by opening up sponsorship opportunities to industries previously untapped by the gaming giant.

Embracing Diversity in Sponsorships

Riot’s decision to welcome sponsorships from industries such as betting, alcohol, CBD, and public institutions marks a significant departure from its previous policies.

Historically, these sectors were either prohibited or overlooked due to potential controversies. However, Riot’s shift in approach reflects a recognition of the evolving landscape of esports and the need to adapt to changing economic realities.

John Needham, President of Riot’s esports division, emphasized the importance of supporting teams and ensuring their long-term sustainability. “We want teams to succeed, and we have worked with them to help improve their financial situation and refocus on long-term sustainability,” Needham stated in the announcement.

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Adapting to Local Regulations

While the decision to explore sponsorships from controversial industries may raise eyebrows among fans, Riot Games is committed to adhering to local regulations in the countries where its leagues are held. This proactive approach ensures that sponsorships comply with legal requirements and cultural sensitivities, mitigating potential backlash and controversy.

The move towards more inclusive sponsorships is not without its challenges and controversies. However, Riot Games’ willingness to embrace diversity and adapt to changing market dynamics underscores its commitment to the long-term success of the esports industry.


Key Points to Remember:

  • Riot Games is opening up sponsorship opportunities to industries like betting, alcohol, CBD, and public institutions.
  • The decision reflects a shift towards diversifying revenue streams and ensuring the long-term sustainability of esports.
  • Riot Games is committed to adhering to local regulations and cultural sensitivities when considering sponsorships.
  • The move towards more inclusive sponsorships underscores Riot’s commitment to adapting to changing market dynamics.

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Riot Games’ decision to embrace sponsorships from a diverse range of industries marks a significant shift in the esports landscape. By opening up new revenue streams and adapting to changing market dynamics, Riot Games is positioning itself for long-term success in an ever-evolving industry.

Riot Games Embraces VCT-Inspired Model for League of Legends Esports Sustainability