Riot Games’ NACL plan has not received a harsh response from LCSPA

Riot Games’ NACL plan has not received a harsh response from LCSPA

13. May 2023 by miranda angeles

The LCS Players Association has responded strongly to Riot Games’ plans to implement changes to the NACL.

The NACL is the North American developmental competition is a pathway to the LCS. The LCS and Riot Games have recently informed LoL fans about the NACL.

Despite the update’s many adjustments, the most important change to Riot’s strategy is that LCS organizations will no longer be obligated to field an NACL squad.

In response, the LCS Players Association “LCSPA” has issued a statement stating that it strongly opposes the changes Riot Games plans to implement.

Riot Games’ NACL plan has not met with a good response from the LCS Players Association

The statement released by the LCSPA calls Riot’s plan a “hollow attempt” that only seeks to reassure LCS owners. However, it is important to note that Riot’s plan regarding the NACL contemplates moving the league’s servers to Chicago. Riot’s goal in moving the servers is to create a league with more regional players. On the other hand, another change Riot wants to implement is re-establishing the relegation and promotion system in the NACL.

Riot’s change plan can be very beneficial for the league. However, one point that cannot be overlooked is that having a development lineup will no longer be mandatory. If this measure is implemented, according to the LCSPA, the jobs of about 70 people would be in jeopardy; many managers, coaches, and players would lose their jobs.

On the other hand, the LCSPA assures that the NACL rosters cannot be the cause of the franchises’ financial problems. According to data published by the LCSPA, NACL roster salaries are almost %20 below an organization’s expenses.

In turn, the LCSPA, looking for solutions after opposing Riot’s plan, presented a proposal.

LCSPA’s proposal to stop Riot Games’ plan

According to what was published by the LCSPA, the proposal includes the following requests to Riot Games:

Authorize teams to pay minimum wages following California labor laws to NACL rosters.

On the other hand, they request authorization to partner with various organizations to administer the NACL rosters.

In addition, they are requesting that an item program be implemented so that each team can receive income and defray the expenses of the NACL.

Finally, the LCSPA also asks Riot to introduce important incentives to attract various organizations to invest in the NACL.

We must wait to know the position of Riot Games, as so far, it has not responded to the LCSPA’s statement.