Rekkles leaves Fnatic: The end of an era or the beginning of a new journey?

Rekkles leaves Fnatic: The end of an era or the beginning of a new journey?

16. October 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

Year after year, the LEC surprises us, but the recent news about Martin “Rekkles” Larsson has left many in shock. This acclaimed marksman has been synonymous with success in Europe, but what does the future hold for him after his departure from Fnatic?

The unexpected goodbye to Fnatic

Amid the frenzy of the eSports world, especially during major events like the League of Legends World Championship, the transfer market continues its pace. This time, we have news from the heart of Europe: Rekkles bids farewell to Fnatic.

The veteran marksman not only surprised with his departure but also with the circumstances surrounding it. After a return to the LEC that many would describe as shaky, and following a stint with Karmine Corp in France, Rekkles failed to secure a spot in the top European LoL competition.

An uncertain yet hopeful future

The news of ending his cycle with Fnatic has generated various reactions. “I’m a bit scared and excited at the same time,” Rekkles confessed on his social media, a feeling many professionals in the sector fully understand.

Yet something stands out among his words: the mention of Oh “Noah” Hyeon-taek and Adrian “Trymbi” Trybus. Rekkles admitted he wasn’t ready for the new challenges these emerging supports represented, which might have influenced Fnatic’s decision.

Rekkles’ ambition: a new position

Rekkles isn’t giving up and is already thinking about his future. Although his heart seems to lean towards the support role in the LEC, he doesn’t rule out returning to his roots as a marksman. Offers have already started to come in, but is he ready for this new challenge?

The Legacy of a Star

The League of Legends eSports world is unpredictable. Careers can change in an instant, and Rekkles’ case is a clear example. However, with his talent and determination, it wouldn’t be surprising to see him soon in the major leagues, either as support or reclaiming his iconic marksman role.