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Pokémon TCG Pocket Space-Time: Leaked Details on New Cards

Pokémon TCG Pocket Space-Time: Leaked Details on New Cards

29. January 2025 by Valentin Pasetti

Pokémon TCG Pocket’s next expansion is almost here, but due to an early datamine, several key cards have already surfaced online.

We already knew that the new Pokémon TCG Pocket expansion, Space-Time Smackdown, would focus primarily on Pokémon from the Sinnoh region and introduce over 100 new cards to the game. This second full set launches on January 29, but leaks may have revealed more than a handful of cards included in the two new packs.

All Leaked Pokémon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown Cards

With the Space-Time Smackdown expansion, Pokémon TCG Pocket will receive over 100 new cards. While full details on these cards have not been officially revealed ahead of the January 29 release, recent leaks have showcased several of the most sought-after cards players might aim to pull.

Multiple leaks have surfaced since the set’s initial reveal. One leak has provided a first look at more than 40 cards from the expansion, including a new collection of promo cards featuring Cresselia ex and Misdreavus, the latter appearing to introduce the Confusion status to the game for the first time.

Among the leaked cards are nine new Pokémon ex cards, as well as the first Pokémon Tool cards, including Focus Band and more.

Here is a full list of every card that has leaked so far, courtesy of renowned Pokémon leaker and TCG Pocket player Eclipse:

Pokemon TCG Pocket Sinnoh Starters

Leaked Pokémon ex Cards and Key Additions:

  • Dialga ex
  • Palkia ex
  • Torterra ex
  • Infernape ex
  • Empoleon ex
  • Pachirisu ex
  • Gallade ex
  • Cresselia ex
  • Weavile ex

Other Leaked Pokémon and Trainers:

  • Turtwig, Grotle
  • Chimchar, Monferno
  • Piplup, Prinplup
  • Riolu, Lucario
  • Murkrow, Honchkrow
  • Glaceon, Leafeon
  • Gible, Gabite, Garchomp
  • Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss
  • Cynthia, Cyrus, Volkner
  • Darkrai, Cresselia
  • Tyrogue, Hitmontop, Mienfoo, Mienshao
  • Porygon, Porygon 2, Porygon-Z
  • Rotom, Ralts, Kirlia
  • Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire
  • Skarmory, Misdreavus, Mismagius
  • Sneasel, Starly, Staravia, Staraptor
  • Bidoof, Bibarel, Manaphy, Eevee
  • Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone
  • Drifloon, Drifblim, Buneary, Lopunny
  • Spiritomb

Leaked Pokémon Tool and Item Cards:

  • Rocky Helmet, Lum Berry, Giant Cape
  • Leftovers, Focus Band, Nanab Berry

For those wanting a closer look at these leaked cards, Eclipse has posted a thread on X (formerly Twitter), and Pokémon UNITE commentator Spragels has shared a video breaking down some of the more prominent cards that could impact the TCG Pocket meta.

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Trading System and Restrictions

Once the Space-Time Smackdown expansion goes live, trading will officially be available in the game. However, these new cards will not be tradable, as the developers have implemented restrictions to ensure a smooth introduction of the feature.

Only specific cards from the game’s first packs, Genetic Apex and Mythical Island, will be tradable, and they must be exchanged for cards of equal rarity. Players will need Trade Hourglasses and Trade Tokens to complete trades, though the exact mechanics have yet to be detailed.

Key Trading Restrictions:

  • Trades will only be possible between friends, with offers requiring acceptance within 72 hours.
  • Players will have five Trade Stamina, with one refilling every 24 hours.
  • Trade Tokens will be required for rare cards, but common cards may be traded freely or at a lower cost.

The developers have also issued a warning against real-money trading (RMT) and violations of the game’s terms of service. Any player caught engaging in unauthorized trading practices risks account suspension, with potential permanent bans for severe infractions.

pokemon tcg pocket space time smackdown

Final Thoughts

The Space-Time Smackdown expansion is shaping up to be an exciting addition to Pokémon TCG Pocket, with new ex cards, game-changing Pokémon Tool cards, and potential shifts in the meta. While leaks have given us an early glimpse of what’s coming, we will have to wait until January 29 for official confirmation.

Stay tuned for updates as more details are revealed!

Pokémon TCG Pocket’s Space-Time Smackdown Expansion Arrives Soon