Overwatch Venture Guide: Counters, Synergies, and Balance Update

Overwatch Venture Guide: Counters, Synergies, and Balance Update

2. May 2024 by Never

Discover the latest strategies for dealing with Venture, the burrowing hero in Overwatch 2, following recent balance updates. Learn about the best heroes to synergize with Venture and effective counters to handle this dynamic addition to the game.

Best Synergies with Venture

Venture excels when paired with heroes who complement its close-quarters playstyle and mobility. Here are top picks for each role to synergize with Venture:


  • Wrecking Ball: Ideal for dive compositions, offering disruption and mobility.
  • Winston: Provides aggressive dive potential alongside Venture.
  • D.Va: Offers flexibility and support to dive into enemy lines.
  • Doomfist: Enables coordinated engages and disruption in team fights.


  • Sombra: Enhances team coordination and can capitalize on Venture’s engagements.
  • Tracer: Provides consistent damage output and disruption.
  • Pharah: Adds aerial pressure and forces enemies to split their focus.
  • Mei and Reaper: Effective in close-range engagements within a death ball composition.


  • Moira: Offers strong healing and can assist Venture with mobility.
  • Kiriko: Provides burst healing and can punish enemy dives effectively.
  • Lifeweaver: Assists Venture in escaping dangerous situations.
  • Lucio: Enhances team mobility and provides additional survivability.

Countering Venture in Overwatch 2

Venture’s agility and disruptive playstyle require strategic counters to neutralize its impact on the battlefield. Here are top picks for countering Venture across different roles:


  • D.Va: Provides mobility and can peel for the backline against Venture’s dives.
  • Doomfist: Offers crowd control and disrupts Venture’s engagements effectively.


  • Cassidy: Punishes Venture with precise aim and consistent damage output.
  • Sojourn: Combines mobility and range to outmaneuver Venture in combat.
  • Pharah: Utilizes aerial advantage to keep distance and apply pressure.


  • Kiriko: Offers burst healing and can disrupt Venture’s dives with well-timed abilities.
  • Ana: Utilizes crowd control and burst healing to counter Venture’s aggressive play.
  • Lucio and Mercy: Provide mobility and survivability options against Venture’s engagements.

Strategic Hero Selections to Counter Venture in Overwatch 2

Stay agile and prepared with these hero selections to counter Venture’s dynamic presence on the battlefield in Overwatch 2. Adapt your strategies and leverage synergies to secure victory against this formidable hero.