Overwatch 2 Introduces Revamped Competitive System and Placement Matches

Overwatch 2 Introduces Revamped Competitive System and Placement Matches

8. February 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Blizzard’s Overwatch 2 is set for a significant update to its competitive system beginning in Season 9. This new system promises enhanced accuracy and transparency in ranking progression, along with the introduction of placement matches.

Understanding the New Competitive System

Rank Progression and Transparency

  • Real-Time Rank Updates: Players will see their updated rank after each match.
  • Progress Bar: Indicates gains or losses in skill division after each match.
  • Modifiers: Displayed below the progress bar, these provide insights into matchmaking and rank calibration.

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Matchmaking Modifiers

  • Boost for Defeating Favored Teams: Recognizing achievements when winning against stronger opponents.
  • Calibration for Win Streaks: Adjustments for players demonstrating they belong in a higher rank.

Placement Matches in Overwatch 2

For the first time in Overwatch 2, competitive players will engage in placement matches at the start of their ranking journey.

  • 10 New Matches: These will determine the starting rank for players.
  • One-Time Opportunity in 2024: Players get only one chance to set their rank through these placement matches.
  • Predicted Rank: After each match, players will see a forecast of their starting rank.

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Champion Rank: The New Apex of Competition

  • Above Grandmaster: Champion rank is introduced as the highest achievable rank.
  • Competitive Points: Earn these to purchase exclusive jade weapons.

Transition of Competitive Points

  • Legacy Currency Conversion: Existing Competitive Points will be converted into a legacy currency.
  • Post-2024 Conversion: Unused Competitive Points will also transition to this legacy currency after the competitive year.

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Overwatch 2’s Season 9 Competitive Overhaul

Overwatch 2’s Season 9 brings a refreshing change to its competitive landscape. With real-time ranking updates, insightful modifiers, and the new placement matches, players are set for a more engaging and transparent competitive experience.

The introduction of the Champion rank adds a new tier of challenge for the elite players, further enriching the competitive scene of Overwatch 2.