Movistar KOI’s Rocky CS2 Debut: Delays and Cheating Allegations

Movistar KOI’s Rocky CS2 Debut: Delays and Cheating Allegations

10. January 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Movistar KOI, the ambitious project by Ibai, MAD Lions, and Movistar Riders, faced a challenging start in their first international Counter Strike 2 tournament. The team’s debut was marred by server issues and lengthy delays, testing their resilience in the competitive scene.

Tournament Hurdles

  • Initial Delays: The team faced over four hours of waiting due to server problems, common in large-scale tournaments, especially in the opening rounds.

Qualifying Despite Setbacks

  • Advancing to Closed Major: Despite the delays, Movistar KOI successfully navigated the qualifier, advancing to the closed stage of the Major on their first attempt.


Allegations of Cheating

  • Match Against Never More: A contentious match saw Movistar KOI defeated 13-10 by Never More. Suspicions arose post-match regarding the MVP of the opposing team, AREAOG, who had only 338 total hours played, with just 4 hours in the past two weeks.
  • Suspicious Gameplay: AREAOG’s gameplay raised eyebrows, with a high K/D ratio, a significant headshot percentage, and seemingly predictive plays. This led to allegations of using unauthorized third-party programs.
  • Investigation: Movistar KOI’s new content creator, Black, reviewed the player’s POV, further fueling suspicions of cheating. Valve’s guidelines on fair play were called into question.

Looking Ahead

Quick Turnaround: With little time to dwell on these issues, Movistar KOI is set to return to the server, aiming to overcome their initial setbacks and prove their mettle in the competitive arena.

Challenging Start for Ibai’s Team in International Tournament

Movistar KOI’s debut in CS2 was a testament to the challenges new teams face in high-stakes esports environments. From technical delays to cheating allegations, the team’s resilience will be crucial in navigating the competitive landscape. As they prepare for their next match, all eyes will be on how they adapt and evolve from these early trials.