Marved shines in VCT match of Sentinels vs. LOUD

Marved shines in VCT match of Sentinels vs. LOUD

22. April 2023 by Andrew Williams

Marved destroyed LOUD in the first match he played for Sentinels at VCT 2023! The player is currently filling in for TenZ, but did extremely well in the match against LOUD, despite a previous time out. Everybody anticipated the matchup because Sentinels were missing one of the most important pieces in their lineup!

The Sentinels entered with substitute Jimmy “Marved” Nguyen, who made his VCT debut this year and got to show his skills right away.

Marved surprises with top performance

The 24 year old Canadian and ex-OpTic player was called up last month as sixth man and substitute in the VALORANT team of the Sentinels. But then the Sentinels fired their coach Donald “SyykoNT” Muir and one of their top players, Tyson “TenZ” Ngo, decided to take a short break. With that, the stars were aligned for a return of Marved to the team and VALORANT contests. Then yesterday, Friday, April 21, the Sentinels and LOUD faced off.

Both squads were in totally different situations, the boys from NA had a rough start with a 1-2 record. On the other side we have LOUD from Brazil, who were unbeaten regionally so far and belonged to the top teams. The match started on Pearl and fans assumed LOUD would both start dominant and secure the win. But then it all turned out differently as it was Marved who performed the best in a one-sided map for the Sentinels.

LOUD wins the match

You could hardly tell that the player had had a break, as he played just as well as ever. Marved even had his OpTic clantag in front of his name by mistake during the first map. Marved has played for FaZe Clan, Team Underrated, Team Envy and most recently Sentinels in addition to OpTic Gaming. He won a lot of fights and made moves that covered his colleagues perfectly. The Sentinels won the first map with a comfortable 13:6 thanks mainly to Marved. On the second map, Haven, things didn’t go quite as gloriously as on the first map, but still not bad. Thanks to the pistol round win in the second half Sentinels kept the slightly tighter game closely contested.

The Sentinels then lost Haven later on with a relatively close 13:11 defeat, but LOUD still struggled as their opponents played better than expected. Despite a strong performance from Marved on the third map Ascent, LOUD regained their confidence and defeated the Sentinels 13-8 to win the match 2-1. Despite the loss, Marved and the Sentinels did well. Marved made 51 kills and showed top form. The next match with Marved in the lineup will be tomorrow, April 23 against MIBR.