LoL Worlds 2023: T1’s Pivotal Moment and Potential Split

LoL Worlds 2023: T1’s Pivotal Moment and Potential Split

18. October 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

As the chill of October settles in, a hot topic emerges from the League of Legends community. T1, a team with a history rich in success and a recent past tinged with regret, faces what might be their last stand together at the LoL Worlds 2023.

Gumayusi’s Insightful Remarks


Gumayusi, the sharpshooter ADC for T1, recently opened up in an official interview with Riot’s channels. His words carried the weight of possibility and change.

“As the saying goes, don’t chase; let it come to you. We’re incredibly strong as a team right now. This Worlds might be our last run together. It’d be heart-wrenching to conclude on a low note. Personally, I aim to perform phenomenally. It’s not about chasing the win, but letting the win come to us.”

These words sent a ripple across the timelines of T1 fans worldwide. With a roster that has resonated harmoniously and having regained momentum after Faker’s return, T1 stands tall as one of the squads to keep an eye on in a tournament held in their homeland.

A Look Back: T1 in 2022

Last year’s Worlds was a roller coaster for T1. Touted as clear favorites in 2022, the team faced a heart-wrenching defeat on the fifth map of the World finals. Despite whispers of changes, the team resolved to stay united for another year. Now, approaching this year’s Worlds, T1 walks with the identity of contenders, though not clear-cut favorites as before.

Facing Team Liquid: The Opening Match

T1’s journey in Worlds 2023 kickstarts on October 19th with a clash against Team Liquid, a recurring name from NA in recent years. This best-of-one match is slated to begin around 11:00 CET. Just after this, the audience will witness JDG, another powerhouse, initiating their journey against Team BDS.

The Last Chance of T1?

T1’s narrative this Worlds is one of anticipation. Gumayusi’s comments have added a layer of sentimentality to their journey, hinting at potential goodbyes post-tournament. Whether T1 achieves the coveted trophy or faces another setback, the legacy they’ve crafted over the years remains untouched. For fans and players alike, LoL Worlds 2023 represents more than just a competition—it’s about history, passion, and possible farewells.