LoL: EMENES apologizes for xenophobic remarks

LoL: EMENES apologizes for xenophobic remarks

20. September 2023 by miranda angeles

EMENES recently publicly apologized for his xenophobic comments in the LoL solo queue just before Worlds.

C9 EMENES apologizes for xenophobic comments

Jang “EMENES” Min-soo, Cloud9’s midlaner, made some xenophobic comments last week against a European player during a solo game. After those comments, EMENES received a strong wave of criticism from the LoL community. That is why yesterday, September 19, the midlaner spoke out and apologized for his words.

EMENES used his X/Twitter account to make a statement to apologize to the European streamer Spear_shot publicly. In the message posted by EMENES, the player comments that he wants to apologize to all his fans for his inappropriate comments. EMENES assures that his actions are unforgivable and has acknowledged the impact of his words and actions.

On the other hand, EMENES claims that he has shown a completely irresponsible image in the solo qualification. In addition, he claims that he has been unprofessional in the game. But that’s not all. EMENES also publicly apologized to Spear_shot; the player commented that he had already spoken privately with the streamer, but it seemed only fair to make a public apology. Finally, in the EMENES statement, the player assures that he is learning from his mistakes.

Xenophobic comments by EMENES

The 22-year-old player got in trouble for his actions during a solo game in the Korean LoL League. In this game, EMENES accused Spear_shot (his top lane partner) of griefing. In addition, EMENES commented that Spear_shot “was a nasty streamer from Europe.”

After those in-game comments, EMENES apologized to all his fans. However, at the time, he did not apologize to Spear_shot. On the other hand, EMENES commented that the streamer was breaking the game’s rules by selecting a particular hero. The player claimed the only goal was attracting viewers to his stream.

In response to accusations that Spear_shot was ruining the game, the streamer disclosed what EMENES had initially said in the chat. The streamer wanted to defend himself against the comments being made by EMENES.

At this time, C9 has not made any additional statements. The team commented that they were handling this issue internally. EMENES’ statement of apology yesterday likely resulted from the organization’s internal investigation. On the other hand, it is unknown if Riot Games will take action against the midlaner or if everything will remain as a simple gaming incident.

EMENES and C9 are preparing for this year’s Worlds, which are being held in the land of EMENES. Remember that the Worlds are held in Seoul at the beginning of October.