LLA: The New Clausura Format Sparks Controversy After Changes

LLA: The New Clausura Format Sparks Controversy After Changes

29. May 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

The recent departure of All Knights has forced the LLA to revamp its format for the Clausura, but these changes have not been well-received by fans.

The most significant League of Legends competition in Latin America is set to return soon, and there are already updates regarding its structure. This Tuesday, Riot Games disclosed details about the LLA Clausura, including a new format for the matches. However, this announcement has stirred up considerable controversy among league fans.

Changes Triggered by All Knights’ Withdrawal

Following an exciting edition of the Mid Season Invitational, it’s time to shift focus back to the regular season. Teams have returned to their respective regions, gearing up for their leagues to secure spots at Worlds 2024.

One of these leagues is the Latin America League (LLA), where expectations were high regarding potential changes. The withdrawal of All Knights from the league has left only six teams, compelling Riot to implement a new format for the Clausura. Unfortunately, these changes have not been met with enthusiasm.


New Format Details and Fan Reactions

Regular Season Matches: The regular season matches will now be best-of-2 series, as opposed to the best-of-3 format used during the Apertura. Each victory will earn a team 2 points, while a draw will net 1 point.

Match Scheduling: Three series will be played per matchday, and the top four teams will advance to the playoffs.

Playoffs Format: The playoffs will feature a double-elimination bracket, with all matches being best-of-5 series.

Fan Discontent

The primary source of fan dissatisfaction is the best-of-2 series format. Many fans feel that the possibility of a draw is unappealing and diminishes the competitive edge of the matches. Additionally, fans were hoping for the league to return to weekend schedules, but it will continue to be played on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


Schedule and Outlook

The LLA will resume activities with the Clausura starting on June 11. Despite the current fan discontent, the league aims to deliver exciting and competitive gameplay. As always, you can find all the latest updates and information about the most important competition in LATAM on our website.

Key Changes in LLA Clausura Format

Regular Season

  • Series Format: Best-of-2
  • Point System: 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw
  • Matchdays: Three series per day
  • Schedule: Tuesdays and Wednesdays


  • Bracket Type: Double elimination
  • Match Format: Best-of-5 series

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Community Feedback

The reaction from the community has been largely negative, particularly concerning the best-of-2 series. Critics argue that this format reduces the excitement and stakes of the matches. The scheduling on weekdays instead of weekends has also been a point of contention.


As the LLA prepares for its Clausura split, it’s clear that the community’s feedback will be crucial in shaping the future of the league. Riot Games may need to consider further adjustments to align with fan expectations and enhance the overall viewing experience. Stay tuned for more updates and detailed coverage of the LLA Clausura on our site.

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