Leviatán Confirms Entry into Dota 2 with International Roster

Leviatán Confirms Entry into Dota 2 with International Roster

20. March 2024 by Never

Leviatán, a prominent esports organization based in Argentina renowned for its Valorant prowess, has broadened its horizons by venturing into competitive Dota 2 with an international lineup.

Announcement and Roster Lineup

The announcement was made on March 18th, following a teaser dropped by Leviatán a day earlier. The roster features Dota 2 players from various countries, set to compete in the South American region.

The lineup includes:

  • Samuel “Sammyboy” Anderson (United States) – Position 1
  • TBD | Position 2
  • Damien “kpii” Chok (Australia) – Position 3
  • Tommy “Taiga” Le (Norway) – Position 4
  • Steven “StingeR” Vargas (Peru) – Position 5

Player Profiles

  • Sammyboy is renowned in the North American Dota 2 scene, previously playing for Wildcard Gaming.
  • kpii, a seasoned veteran, brings experience from teams like Newbee and Mineski.
  • Taiga, coming out of retirement, has a rich history with iconic teams such as OG and Team Liquid.
  • StingeR, despite a recent incident, is a seasoned Dota 2 veteran with experience in multiple TIs.

Participation in Tournaments

Leviatán participated in DreamLeague Season 23 Open Qualifiers, fielding Jean Pierre “Chris Luck” Salazar as a stand-in mid-laner. Although they didn’t succeed, they’re gearing up for the PGL Wallachia Season 1 Open Qualifiers starting on March 21st.

Stay tuned for updates on Leviatán’s journey in the Dota 2 scene!