LEGO Fortnite Welcomes Star Wars Island Permanently: What You Need to Know

LEGO Fortnite Welcomes Star Wars Island Permanently: What You Need to Know

2. May 2024 by Never

A significant collaboration between Star Wars and Fortnite is set to make its mark on May 3. However, this isn’t just another limited-time event. Following the event’s conclusion, a new Star Wars island will become a permanent fixture in the LEGO Fortnite world.

The Epic Event Unfolds

Once the event kicks off, LEGO Fortnite enthusiasts will witness the dramatic arrival of both the Empire and the Rebellion. The Empire makes a grand entrance by crash-landing a massive Star Destroyer. Players will have the exciting opportunity to explore the Imperial crash site and a nearby Rebel village.

Building the Future

As part of the event, players can contribute to the development of the Rebel village by completing objectives and constructing various structures. The Rebel village can be built up and upgraded over time, offering a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience.

Permanence in Play

Here’s the good news: the Rebel village and Imperial installations will persist beyond the v29.40 patch. Epic Games has confirmed that these captivating additions will remain part of LEGO Fortnite even after the Rebel Adventure pass concludes on July 23.

While the Adventure pass’s end means no further decor and build rewards can be unlocked, the structures will stand as enduring features in the LEGO Fortnite landscape.

A New Era of Collaboration

The collaboration between Star Wars and Fortnite has been marked by numerous successful events and crossovers, introducing a wide array of cosmetic options and in-game items. Unlike previous collaborations where items were eventually phased out, this marks a significant departure.

Star Wars appears set to become a permanent fixture in Fortnite, with iconic items like lightsabers, blasters, bowcasters, and thermal detonators likely here to stay.

Looking Ahead

Star Wars enthusiasts who also enjoy Fortnite can anticipate more excitement in the future. Epic Games and Disney’s forthcoming “games and entertainment universe” promise further adventures and surprises for fans of both franchises.