LCK Introduces New Offline Server in Response to DDoS Attacks

LCK Introduces New Offline Server in Response to DDoS Attacks

14. March 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

In light of recent server outages and DDoS attacks disrupting official League of Legends broadcasts, Riot Games and the LCK have taken proactive measures to safeguard the integrity of competitive play.

Enhancing Security Measures

Recognizing the severity of the situation, the LCK has implemented an innovative solution by introducing an offline server at the iconic LoL Park in Seoul. This offline server ensures uninterrupted gameplay and broadcasting, mitigating the risk of external disruptions such as DDoS attacks.

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Seamless Integration

Officials have meticulously tested the offline server’s compatibility with the existing event infrastructure, ensuring smooth operation and seamless integration into live broadcasts. With thorough preparations in place, the league is poised to resume live matches at LoL Park in the near future.

Addressing Past Challenges

The decision to deploy an offline server follows a series of server outages and delays experienced during previous LCK broadcasts, notably in February when a significant DDoS attack disrupted an entire day of competition.

As a result, the league was compelled to broadcast pre-recorded matches for the remainder of the week while urgently seeking solutions to prevent future disruptions.

Commitment to Improvement

Acknowledging their oversight in underestimating the risk of DDoS attacks, LCK secretary general Aiden Lee affirmed the league’s commitment to implementing both short and long-term solutions. Collaborating with Riot Games’ global team and local experts, the league aims to bolster its security infrastructure to safeguard against future threats.

Transition to Live Broadcasts

While efforts are underway to transition back to live broadcasts, precautionary measures dictate that there will be no live audience at LoL Park initially. This decision, while unfortunate for fans, is intended to minimize potential disruptions in the event of unforeseen attacks, ensuring a seamless viewing experience for viewers worldwide.

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