KOI’s Historic First Final – The Ultimate Showdown with Team Heretics at Iberian Cup

KOI’s Historic First Final – The Ultimate Showdown with Team Heretics at Iberian Cup

8. November 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

In a turn of events that has the esports community buzzing, Finetwork KOI, steered by the charismatic Ibai Llanos, has sailed into the first final in its history. This milestone comes nearly two years post its inception and was secured with a decisive 3-1 victory over Rebels in the semifinals of the Iberian Cup.

The Journey to the Top


The Iberian Cup, though sometimes overshadowed by its scheduling amidst the Worlds, has caught the limelight with its high-stakes matches, particularly as it draws the best teams from Spain. The 2023 edition is no exception.

A Rivalry For The Ages

While Team Heretics clinched their spot in the final by toppling Movistar Riders in a 1-3 victory, they now face their ultimate test against KOI. This matchup is not just a test of skill but also a clash of fanbases, with KOI currently boasting the largest following in Spain.

The Last Dance for KOI

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Adding to the drama, the KOI squad is set to part ways in 2023, making this their swan song at the Iberian Cup. A victory here would not only be the perfect send-off but would also engrave their name in the annals of history as they vie for their first-ever championship title.

An Epic Conclusion in Barcelona

The final, scheduled for November 10 at 17:00 CET, promises an electric atmosphere as it pits icons Ibai and Grefg against each other in a League of Legends showdown. Fans can catch the action on LVP’s channel, as well as those of Ibai Llanos and Team Heretics.

Ultimate Test for KOI Team

For fans and enthusiasts, the impending finale of the Iberian Cup represents more than just a game. It is a culmination of passion, strategy, and the end of an era for a team that has quickly become a household name. As KOI prepares for their ultimate test against Team Heretics, the esports world watches with bated breath, ready to witness history in the making.