Karmine Corp’s Strategy Shift: A New Coach for LEC’s Upcoming Split

Karmine Corp’s Strategy Shift: A New Coach for LEC’s Upcoming Split

6. February 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

After a challenging Winter split in the League of Legends European Championship (LEC), Karmine Corp is rumored to be making significant changes to its coaching staff. Sources close to the organization suggest a shift in leadership for the team’s League of Legends squad.

YamatoCannon Out, Rehareha In?

Jakob “YamatoCannon” Mebdi, the current Head Coach, might not be at the helm in the upcoming season. Sheep Esports reports indicate that Assistant Coach Rehareha “Reha” Ramanana is poised to take over the coaching duties.

This speculation follows a disappointing Winter split, with Karmine Corp ending the regular season with only two wins against seven losses.

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Debates Among Fans, but No Player Roster Changes Expected

Despite the underwhelming performance and subsequent fan debates over the need for change, Karmine Corp reportedly plans no alterations to its player roster for the next split. The focus seems to be on rejuvenating the team’s strategy and approach under potentially new leadership.

Kameto’s High Expectations and the Struggle for Team Identity

Kameto, the founder and owner of Karmine Corp, had set high expectations with the team’s entry into the LEC this year. However, a lack of synergy and questions surrounding YamatoCannon’s draft choices may have influenced the decision to consider a coaching change.

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Awaiting Official Confirmation Amidst Rumors

As of now, there is no official statement from Karmine Corp or YamatoCannon regarding these rumors. The League of Legends community is keenly awaiting future announcements to understand how these potential changes might impact the team’s performance in the upcoming Spring split.

A New Chapter for Karmine Corp in the LEC

The possible departure of YamatoCannon as Head Coach marks a new era for Karmine Corp in the LEC. After a debut that didn’t meet expectations, the organization is seemingly gearing up for a strategic overhaul, aiming to make a stronger impact in the next phase of the championship.

A Rocky Start in the LEC Leads to Coaching Changes for KCorp

As Karmine Corp navigates through these rumored changes, it’s crucial for fans and analysts to focus on the team’s strategic evolution. The next split will be a testament to their adaptability and resilience in the highly competitive environment of the LEC.