Jankos: The Artist of Simplicity in League of Legends

Jankos: The Artist of Simplicity in League of Legends

20. January 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski embodies the essence of esports from its early days: a phenomenon that grew beyond expectations. Starting his League of Legends EMEA Championship (LEC) journey at 18, Jankos represented the dreams of many young gamers.

His initial approach to professional gaming was a ‘carpe diem’ attitude, never imagining it as a long-term career. From a childhood dream of becoming a teacher, Jankos has indeed fulfilled a form of teaching, now celebrating a decade as a professional League of Legends player.

Rising to Fame in the LEC: A Noticeable Impact from the Start

Joining the European elite competition (then LCS) with ROCCAT, Jankos quickly stood out for his mechanical prowess and aggressive playstyle, earning the nickname “First Blood King.” His absence from the world stage until 2016 sparked discussions about his standing among the best players not to have competed at Worlds.

G2 Jankos Worlds 2022

Emotional Jungle Play

Known for his emotional outbursts during matches, Jankos’s journey took a turn when he joined H2K Gaming in 2016, marking his international debut.

Joining G2 Esports: A New Chapter

In 2017, Jankos moved to G2 Esports, succeeding Kim “Trick” Gang-yun and joining a team with legends like Alfonso “Mithy” Aguirre, Luka “Perkz” Perkovic, and Jesper “Zven” Svenningsen. His first year saw mixed results but culminated in a transformative World Championship run, reaching the semifinals and defeating favorites Royal Never Give Up.

Adapting to an Evolving Game

As League of Legends evolved, Jankos adapted by mastering the complexities of the game, making difficult plays seem effortless. This shift marked the beginning of his peak, not just as a professional but as an intergenerational idol.

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Redefining the Jungle Role

Jankos’s impact led to a trend in the LEC of recruiting Polish junglers, turning the jungle role into a European stronghold. His approach to the game inspired a new generation of players like Oskar “Selfmade” Boderek and Kacper “Inspired” Sloma.

Facing Challenges as G2’s Martyr

Despite his accomplishments, Jankos often faced criticism during G2’s challenging periods. However, he remained a cornerstone of knowledge and strategy, influencing the current G2 roster’s approach to the game.

Legacy of Jankos: A League of Legends Icon

Jankos’s journey from a passionate 18-year-old to a mature professional exemplifies the evolution of esports. He has played in every LEC regular season since his debut, a testament to his adaptability and understanding of the game’s constant changes.

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Beyond International Fame

While Jankos may not have reached the mythic status of Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, his ability to evolve and stay relevant cements his place as one of the greatest junglers in League of Legends history.

The Evolution of Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski

Jankos’s career is a masterclass in adaptation and simplicity. As esports continue to evolve, players like Jankos set the benchmark for longevity and relevance, proving that understanding and evolving with the game is key to a lasting legacy.