Is TSM getting Ruby from Team Heretics?

Is TSM getting Ruby from Team Heretics?

1. May 2023 by Andrew Williams

According to several reports, TSM is looking to sign a new player to fill the empty spot of player Maple. Allegedly, this player is Ruby, who is currently still with Team Heretics. TSM is looking for a new player for their League of Legends division after the departure of their player Maple and it seems that they have already found one.

Team Heretics let their player Ruby go after the team didn’t have much success in the LEC playoffs. Apparently, Ruby has found a new home and according to reports, it is TSM.

Heretics parts ways with Ruby

Team Heretics had high hopes, but unfortunately they were not able to fulfill them and lagged behind with their performances. Therefore, the organization decided to part ways with their mid-laner Lee “Ruby” Sol-min.

Ruy was allowed to look for other teams to compete with in the future. Apparently, he has now decided to play at TSM and continue his League of Legends career there.

No success for TSM

TSM is a big name in esports, but the big results didn’t come lately. Already since 2021, the team has been stuck, and 2022 and the beginning of this year didn’t bring more success either. TSM failed to produce particularly good results in the first half of the season and was eliminated from the playoff picture with a spring record of 8-10. As is often the case after unsuccessful stretches, TSM decided to make changes within the organization and lineup, parting ways with several players. Team manager Kristine Huang and general manager Glen Yang also had to leave.

Will TSM take Ruby on board?

Some people had speculated after the changes that TSM might pull out of the LCS altogether and sell its spot, which would put the organization in a precarious position this summer. But it looks like that’s not the case after all, as TSM apparently wants to sign Ruby, and that would mean TSM would definitely want to stay in the LCS.

At the moment, however, TSM  has not commented on the rumors. TSM recently parted ways with their player Maple, losing an important player from the League of Legends lineup. If Ruby is signed, he will have big shoes to fill. If the deal goes through with the organization, Ruby will make his TSM debut on June 1 when the LCS Summer Split kicks off. So far, however, the rumors surrounding Ruby have not been confirmed and it may well be that TSM will choose another player as well.