Insider: ‘Rain wants to step aside at FaZe’

Insider: ‘Rain wants to step aside at FaZe’

5. January 2023 by Andrew Williams

According to esports insider OverDrive, a reliable source in the CS:GO world, Rain is reportedly looking to temporarily leave FaZe Clan’s roster. The organisation is looking at a still unknown Russian player to replace the Dane, but nothing is definite about that yet.

FaZe and rain are two parts of the CS:GO world that cannot be separated. The Danish rifler has been playing for the organisation since 2016, the year when FaZe bought out G2 Esports’ roster. Since then, rain has won numerous awards, including the PGL Major in Antwerp earlier this year.

But according to the latest rumours, the partnership could be coming to an end. At least, that is what insider OverDrive claims. He is a well-known figure in the esports world and is especially an authority on news from the CIS region.

OverDrive revealed on Wednesday that rain has set his sights on a long holiday in 2023. This is because the 28-year-old player’s girlfriend is pregnant, which is hard to combine with the busy travel schedule of a big team like FaZe.

The name of a potential replacement has not yet been announced. But according to OverDrive, FaZe is looking in the direction of a Russian player. That would be part of the roster as a stand-in, and would not take a permanent place in the team for now. The insider does stress that FaZe has not decided anything at this point.

It would not be a bad time for rain to take a break. He has won just about every award that the CS:GO scene has to offer. Only the Intel Grand Slam is still missing, which FaZe could win at IEM Katowice in February.