Physical Altercation at FunPlus Phoenix: Coach and Player Clash

Physical Altercation at FunPlus Phoenix: Coach and Player Clash

11. June 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

A recent altercation within the ranks of FunPlus Phoenix has escalated into a physical confrontation between top laner Ping “Xiaolaohu” Xiao-Hu and assistant coach Chen ‘Mouse’ Yuhao. This incident has cast a shadow over the Summer Split of the League of Legends Pro League (LPL) in China, despite the team’s victorious start against Thunder Talk Gaming.

Background of the Incident

The tension within FunPlus Phoenix (FPX) came to light when Xiaolaohu took to the Chinese social media platform Weibo to reveal the details of the confrontation.

The dispute reportedly began over a disagreement on a strategic play during a training session on June 8th. Xiaolaohu and Mouse were engaged in a heated argument when team manager Cao ‘Denny’ Feng intervened.

According to Xiaolaohu, the situation escalated when he told Denny to be quiet. In response, Denny pushed Xiaolaohu and demanded, “Who are you telling to be quiet?” before ordering him to leave the office.

I was scared he might hit me, so I warned him to watch his hand. He then lowered his hand but started yelling in my face, repeatedly asking, ‘Who are you telling to be quiet?’ and insisting that I leave,Xiaolaohu recounted. Following the altercation, Xiaolaohu left the team house and spent the night with a former teammate.



Support from Teammates and Community Reaction

Teammates Yang “Care” Jie and Cai “Milkyway” Zijun have shown support for Xiaolaohu, offering to testify on his behalf if legal actions were pursued by Denny or FPX. They also accused the management of attempting to emotionally manipulate the players involved.

FunPlus Phoenix released a statement acknowledging that both parties were at fault but claimed the issue had been resolved internally. Nevertheless, the organization faced backlash for retaining Denny in his position despite his physical aggression toward a player.

Implications for Future Matches

The controversy comes at a critical time as FPX prepares to face EDward Gaming. Although Xiaolaohu has returned to the team, it is uncertain if he will participate in the upcoming series.


Key Points

  • FunPlus Phoenix began the Summer Split with a win over Thunder Talk Gaming.
  • A confrontation between Xiaolaohu and Mouse escalated when manager Denny intervened and physically pushed Xiaolaohu.
  • Xiaolaohu left the team house following the incident and received support from teammates Care and Milkyway.
  • FPX has been criticized for not taking more severe actions against Denny.
  • The upcoming match against EDward Gaming may be affected by the internal conflict.

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The altercation between Xiaolaohu and Denny has highlighted significant issues within FunPlus Phoenix. While the immediate conflict may have been resolved, the organization must take steps to foster a healthier team environment and address the concerns raised by the players.