Free Fire OB43 Advanced Server: Registration, Download, and Essential Details

Free Fire OB43 Advanced Server: Registration, Download, and Essential Details

29. December 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

The Free Fire OB43 update is an eagerly awaited enhancement to the popular battle royale game. Scheduled for release on January 24, 2024, the update first goes through a testing phase on the ‘Advance Server.’ Here’s your guide to registering, downloading, and contributing to this exciting phase.

Registration for Free Fire OB43 Advance Server

  • Registration Opens: January 1, 2024
  • How to Register:
    1. Visit the Free Fire Advance Server website.
    2. Choose to log in via Facebook or Google.
    3. Complete the registration form and submit.

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Downloading OB43 Advance Server APK

  • Availability: Android devices only (not available for iOS)
  • Download Steps:
    1. Log in at the Free Fire Advance Server website.
    2. Click on ‘Download APK.’
    3. Install the APK from your Download folder.
    4. Open the game and log in with Facebook, Google, or use the Guest Login option.

Logging into OB43 Advance Server

  • Login Options: Facebook, Google, Guest Login
  • Activation Code: Required for access. Sent to the email used for registration.

Reporting Bugs and Earning Rewards

Players who find and report bugs in the OB43 Advance Server can earn free diamonds for their main Free Fire account. Prizes include 3000, 2000, and 1000 diamonds. Use the ‘Report’ button in the Advance Server APK to submit bug reports. The first player to report an unknown bug receives a special reward of 100 diamonds.

Release Date and Access Period

  • Server Opening: January 5, 2023
  • Testing Period: January 5 to January 19, 2024


The OB43 Advance Server offers a unique opportunity for Free Fire players to experience upcoming game features, help improve the game by reporting bugs, and earn rewards. Mark your calendars for registration and be part of shaping the future of Free Fire.