Fnatic’s Strategic Move: Razork and Humanoid as Franchise Players

Fnatic’s Strategic Move: Razork and Humanoid as Franchise Players

23. December 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

In the esports realm, particularly in League of Legends, the concept of a franchise player is re-emerging, with Fnatic leading the way. The prestigious European organization has recently announced significant contract renewals for Iván Martín “Razork” and Marek Brázda “Humanoid,” positioning them as the cornerstone of their League of Legends team.

The Phenomenon of Franchise Players in Sports and Esports

Franchise players, typically the face of a sports team, are prevalent in traditional sports like football and basketball. Icons like Kylian Mbappé and LeBron James exemplify this. However, in esports, fluctuating performances and the fast-paced nature of player careers have limited this practice.

Fnatic renueva a Humanoid y Razork

Fnatic’s Bold Strategy

Fnatic’s move to secure Razork and Humanoid as franchise players marks a significant shift. This decision comes after a period of lacking a definitive team leader, especially since Martin Larsson “Rekkles” left the team in 2019.

Razork and Humanoid: The New Faces of Fnatic

  • Razork: Extended his contract until 2026, showing Fnatic’s commitment to building around his talent.
  • Humanoid: Secured his future with Fnatic until 2025, reinforcing his pivotal role in the team’s strategy.

The Importance of Franchise Players in League of Legends

The presence of franchise players like Razork and Humanoid can bring stability and a sense of identity to a team. Their performances in the past World Championships and the LEC Season Finals of 2023 underscore their value to Fnatic.

Past Missed Opportunities for Fnatic

Fnatic had the chance to create franchise players in the past, notably with Rasmus Winther “Caps” and Elias Lipp “Upset.” However, those opportunities did not fully materialize, leaving Fnatic without a clear leader until now.

Caps Fnatic

Looking Ahead: Razork and Humanoid Leading Fnatic

With Razork and Humanoid at the helm, Fnatic aims to break their domestic league title drought and build a lasting legacy in the European League of Legends scene. Their roles in ‘The Miracle of Berlin’ have already showcased their potential to lead Fnatic to new heights.

Reviving the Franchise Player Concept in Esports with Fnatic

The decision to focus on Razork and Humanoid as franchise players could redefine Fnatic’s trajectory in the competitive League of Legends landscape. This strategic shift towards building a team around key players signals a new era for Fnatic, one that could bring both stability and success.