Faker’s Global Recognition: Ranked Alongside Messi and KSI by The Times

Faker’s Global Recognition: Ranked Alongside Messi and KSI by The Times

18. December 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

In a groundbreaking acknowledgment of esports’ impact, The Times’ 2023 list of the most important and influential athletes has placed Faker, the legendary midlaner from T1, on par with traditional sports icons like Lionel Messi, KSI, and Sam Kerr.

This inclusion not only celebrates Faker’s achievements but also signifies a major shift in the recognition of esports on the global stage.

The Criteria for Selection

The Times selected these athletes based on their influence both within their respective sports and in the broader cultural context, especially on social media. This criterion underlines the changing landscape of what defines a sports celebrity in the modern era.

Faker T1 Worlds 2022

Faker: A Star Beyond Esports

Regarded as one of the greatest in esports, Faker’s comparison with Son Heung-min, Tottenham Spurs’ Premier League star, highlights his exceptional status. Faker’s contributions to esports have been unparalleled, with his competitive history spanning over a decade, including four World Championships and numerous titles.

Faker’s Enduring Legacy

As Faker continues to compete at the highest level, his legacy is expected to grow even further post-retirement. His career, characterized by sustained excellence and an array of accolades, sets a high bar for future esports athletes. The influence and achievements of Faker will be remembered as benchmarks in the evolving world of competitive gaming.

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Faker Joins Messi and KSI in The Times’ 2023 List of Top Athletes

Faker’s recognition by The Times is more than an individual accolade; it’s a testament to the growing legitimacy and influence of esports.

His inclusion alongside mainstream sports legends reflects the expanding boundaries of athleticism and celebrity in the digital age. As esports continues to gain global traction, icons like Faker pave the way for future generations of gamers and enthusiasts.