Exciting Updates Await in Genshin Impact Version 4.6

Exciting Updates Await in Genshin Impact Version 4.6

26. March 2024 by Never

With a month left until its release, the upcoming Version 4.6 of Genshin Impact has sparked considerable discussion among fans. The anticipation surrounding the introduction of Arlecchino as a playable character and potential expansions to the Fontaine map has somewhat overshadowed Version 4.5, leaving players eager for the next installment.

Here’s a rundown of the latest developments regarding Genshin Impact Version 4.6, including recent changes announced for Arlecchino, even before his official debut on the servers.

Exploration Rewards in Fontaine for Version 4.6

One of the highlights of Version 4.6 is the introduction of exploration rewards in Fontaine. Players can anticipate exciting rewards, including the coveted Namecard Fontana Lucine. To claim the final reward and all preceding ones, reaching level 50 in the Fontaine fountain will be necessary.

Additionally, the remaining Hydroculus needed to maximize the level of Fontaine statues can be obtained through map expansion in the Remuria areas, enabling players to claim rewards for the remaining levels.

New Legendary Missions

Version 4.6 will feature two new legendary missions. These include Arlecchino’s legendary mission, introducing the new playable character, and a second legendary mission for Cyno.


New Bosses and Artifact Sets

Prepare for thrilling encounters with the addition of a new weekly boss and world boss in Version 4.6. Furthermore, two new artifact sets will debut: Fragment of Harmonic Fantasy and Unfinished Dream. These sets focus on attack bonuses, with one set proving to be particularly beneficial for Arlecchino.

4.6 beta is out 55.49GB
byu/ukrisreng inGenshin_Impact_Leaks

Genshin Impact Version 4.6 Update: Changes to Arlecchino and Exciting Adventures Await in Teyvat

Even before his official release, Arlecchino has undergone significant changes. His Elemental Skill cooldown has been extended from 15 seconds to 25 or even 30 seconds, depending on the source. Additionally, his C1 now provides interruption resistance, enhancing his survivability and combat effectiveness.

Stay tuned for further updates and announcements as the release of Genshin Impact Version 4.6 draws nearer. Exciting adventures await in the ever-evolving world of Teyvat!