Evil Geniuses releases almost the whole LoL line-up

Evil Geniuses releases almost the whole LoL line-up

1. May 2023 by Andrew Williams

The Evil Geniuses have parted ways with four players from the League of Legends line-up. Also the two coaches had to leave. At the moment there is only one player left, around whom the new line-up will now be built. The reasons for the radical separation are not entirely clear.

The Evil Geniuses have decided to start all over again and thus confirmed the rumors that have been circulating for a long time. For some time now, there has been speculation about whether the organization will part with its League of Legends lineup.

Crisis at EG

The Evil Geniuses are an established organization with a great name, which has also been able to record decisive successes time and again and has a huge fan base. But lately, things haven’t been going so gloriously, and especially this year’s Spring Split has been a snag.

That’s why the organization has decided to make a shock change and part with its entire League of Legends lineup except for one player.

Evil Geniuses kicks four players

Evil Geniuses has announced that they will part ways with Kim “Ssumday” Chan-ho, Victor “FBI” Huang, Kacper “Inspired” Słoma and Philippe “Vulcan” Laflamme. This means that the majority of the line-up has been shown the door. The organization has not stopped at the rest of the team either, relieving head coach Aleš “Freeze” Kněžínek and assistant coach Albert “H4xDefender” Ong of their duties. All players and coaches are now allowed to look for new teams or opportunities. Only one player the organization wants to keep and that is Joseph “jojopyun” Pyun.

So, by and large, the lineup will be completely rebuilt around him. Who will replace the players and coaches is unclear as of yet. However, it could be that the organizations will provide clarity in just a few weeks as to who all will be playing in the lineup in the future. Ssumday, FBI, Inspired and Vulcan are all free agents, but shouldn’t have much trouble finding a new team quickly. Several organizations probably won’t be able to wait to sign one of the top players. Vulcan recently stated that he will be moving to the LEC. He was signed to an agency in Europe in March and has already secured his future, so to speak.

Why did the Evil Geniuses push so hard?

Whether the Evil Geniuses really only parted ways with players because of poor results or possibly because of their horrendous spending is unclear. The organization has reportedly run into financial problems and was often considered one of the organizations “with the highest expenses in the LCS.” According to some reports, the Evil Geniuses are looking to save a bit more with the new lineup – and hopefully make more profit at the same time.

However, this has not been officially confirmed and is purely speculative so far. The Evil Geniuses organization has been in crisis lately regarding several issues. Not long ago, the org was accused of not treating player Kyle “Danny” Sakamaki very well. The player left the team overworked and malnourished at the same time, and had to be nursed back home first. This significantly worsened the reputation of the organization in the entire esport and also drove away the fans.