EA Sports FC 24 Offers Generous Compensation for Pack Description Error

EA Sports FC 24 Offers Generous Compensation for Pack Description Error

13. December 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

The importance of accurate translations and descriptions in video games can’t be overstated, as a single error can lead to significant consequences. This was the case in EA Sports FC 24, where a pack exclusively available to players with the Spanish version of the game featured a misleading description.

The Misleading Pack Description

The pack, costing either 500,000 coins or 3,500 FC Points, was part of the ‘Deslumbrantes’ event (Supreme Deslumbrantes Pack). The description erroneously promised a Base Icon with a minimum average of 90, leading to disappointment when players received Icons with lower averages.

It was later clarified that the pack was supposed to offer a maximum average of 90, but not before numerous players had made purchases based on the incorrect information.

EA’s Response: A 90 Average Icon Compensation

ea sports fc 24 review

EA has stepped up to rectify the situation by compensating affected players. If you were among those who purchased the pack and did not receive the promised Icon, EA is compensating with the correct 90 average Icon as initially advertised.

Receiving Your Compensation

Affected players should have already received this compensation, or it should be arriving shortly. If there’s a delay, EA advises patience and reaching out to game support with the necessary proof for assistance if needed.

What Players Can Expect

This compensation could include highly coveted cards like Gullit. If you were a player who took advantage of the pack and received the compensation, share your experience. Was it worth the initial investment for the pack and the subsequent 90 average Icon?

A Costly Translation Mistake in EA Sports FC 24

This incident highlights the importance of accurate game descriptions and the responsibility of game developers to ensure player satisfaction. EA’s response in this situation serves as a model for addressing and rectifying gaming community grievances.