Dota 2’s Roster Revolution Post-TI 2023: Tracking the Shuffle

Dota 2’s Roster Revolution Post-TI 2023: Tracking the Shuffle

10. October 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

The post-The International (TI) 2023 roster shuffle heralds a new age for Dota 2 as Valve rethinks its approach to the game and its competitive milieu. With a different landscape emerging compared to the recent past, let’s dive deep into the tsunami of player movements and team changes that are shaking the competitive world.

The Backdrop to the Changes

Valve’s New Directions
Valve’s decision to overhaul its support for Dota 2, especially in its competitive format, hints at a seismic shift in how we’ve understood the competitive scene thus far. The abolishing of the Dota Pro Circuit (DPC) for the upcoming 2024 season spells unfamiliar territory for many. Will the likes of Team Secret and OG, among others, have to redesign their strategies based on the outcomes in Seattle?

TI Invites: A New Game
Details about how teams will get invites to TI13 remain under wraps. If the TI invites have new determinants and if they somehow penalize roster changes, we might witness a torrent of player transfers in 2024 – potentially more than in the preceding years.

Roster Locks in the Horizon?
Until there’s more clarity on the move to a non-DPC tournament structure, the prevalent sentiment is that teams will approach the post-TI12 roster changes with the expectation of a potential soft roster lock in 2024.

Dota 2’s Roster Carousel: The Big Moves

Here are the crucial roster moves with detailed chronicles for prominent players and teams.

October Updates

  • Oct. 6: NA’VI parts ways with Danial.
  • Oct. 4: Blacklist International announces major shake-ups, releasing both Karl and kpii, and also parts with coach Xepher.
  • Oct. 1: Xakoda’s tenure with One Move concludes. BOOM Esports welcomes back Fbz to its inactive roster post the expiry of Team Secret’s loan period.



September Chronicles

  • Sept. 27: Into The Breach takes a bold step, releasing its entire roster and subsequently shutting down Dota 2 operations.
  • Sept. 22-23: 9Pandas and Beastcoast make coaching adjustments, with the former parting ways with Nofear and the latter onboarding Mariano for TI12.
  • Sept. 18-21: A flurry of roster changes with NAVI, Luna Galaxy, and Qhali making prominent moves.
  • Sept. 14-17: OG and Polaris Esports highlight these dates with OG moving DM to its inactive roster and Mac exiting Polaris Esports.
  • Sept. 6-8: UD Vessuwan, SPAWN Team, and Tundra Esports make the headlines, with Tundra signing Topson while moving Saksa to an inactive slot owing to health challenges.
  • Sept. 4-5: Mad Kings goes through a comprehensive overhaul, and Clairvoyance parts ways with Army Geniuses.

Dota2 esports 2023: A new Game its Comming!

As the Dota 2 world braces for a transformative 2024, these roster changes highlight the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of competitive gaming. Fans, analysts, and players alike are eager to see how these changes impact team dynamics and, ultimately, performance in the upcoming tournaments. With Valve’s new direction for the game, the stage is set for an intriguing and unpredictable season of Dota 2.