Dota 2 is Dying: Tundra Esports’ Pure Speaks Out on Immortal Matchmaking Issues

Dota 2 is Dying: Tundra Esports’ Pure Speaks Out on Immortal Matchmaking Issues

13. May 2024 by Never

Ivan “Pure” Moskalenko, the carry player for Tundra Esports, recently expressed his disappointment with Dota 2. He highlighted the terrible state of matchmaking and the stale gameplay patch, ultimately stating that these issues are causing Dota 2 to die.

Complaints from a Professional Player

Pure’s criticism comes at a time when the Tundra Esports team is absent from the high-profile tournament PGL Wallachia due to VISA issues. Taking to Twitter/X, Pure shared his thoughts:

“While everyone is busy watching [PGL Wallachia], just wanna remind you that the last major update was on 18 December 2023 for our favorite game. Matchmaking games are at their worst time EVER in Dota (thank you Immortal draft). I hate when people say that [Dota 2] is dying, but it is, I guess.”

Pure noted that the last major update was on December 18, 2023. Although the correct date for the 7.35 patch was December 14, 2023, his point stands that it has been almost six months since Valve released a new gameplay patch.

Pure also pointed out that the Immortal bracket’s matchmaking is currently at its worst, a sentiment echoed by other professional players and the Dota 2 community on Reddit.

Problems Plaguing Immortal Matchmaking

Dota 2’s Immortal bracket, which includes high-skill and professional players, suffers from several significant issues:

1. No Role-Queue

Unlike other brackets, Immortal matchmaking does not have a role-queue system, causing mismatched team compositions. High-rank players can end up with all core or all support players, leading to unbalanced games.

2. High Skill Gap

The Immortal bracket has a wide skill gap, with players ranging from 6K to 13K+ MMR being matched together. This disparity leads to uneven games and frustration among top-tier players.

3. Captain Role Issues

Currently, the captain role in matchmaking is automatically assigned to the highest-ranked player on each team. This can lead to poor drafting decisions if the highest-ranked player lacks leadership skills. A Redditor suggested an alternative method for assigning the captain role to improve the drafting process.

4. Solo and Party Mix

The mix of solo and party players in Immortal matchmaking can result in party members being placed on opposite teams. This setup poses a risk of match-fixing behaviors such as throwing, griefing, or info sharing.

Community Reactions and Discussions

The issues with Immortal matchmaking are a constant topic of discussion on Reddit and other Dota 2 forums. Players have expressed their frustration with the current state of the game, calling for Valve to implement changes to improve the competitive experience.

Valve is making a huge mistake if immortal matchmaking is not fixed in the next upgrade.
byu/Abdulsdota inDotA2

Pure’s Concerns on Immortal Matchmaking Echo Wider Issues in Dota 2 Community

The Immortal matchmaking issues highlighted by Pure reflect broader concerns within the Dota 2 community. Addressing these problems is crucial for maintaining the integrity and competitiveness of the game.

As Valve considers future updates, it is essential to prioritize the feedback from professional players and the community to ensure a balanced and enjoyable gaming experience.