Details of LoL’s new Emerald rank

Details of LoL’s new Emerald rank

20. July 2023 by miranda angeles

Since 2010, League of Legends has offered its players different competitive ranks. Depending on the players’ skills, they will be in a certain rank. This rank system has been used for over 10 years and has proven effective.

The current rank system includes the following levels:

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Iron
  • Platinum
  • Diamond
  • Master
  • Grand Master
  • Challenger

However, this season, Riot Games has decided to overhaul and reform the system from the second game onwards. To speed up the qualifying games, Riot has decided that the promotion series will be eliminated, and in turn, the placement games will no longer be 10 but only 5. But that’s not all. It will also include the Emerald rank, the first rank of the league in many years.

Changes to the LoL rank system

For many LoL players, eliminating promotions makes sense, especially after suffering through it over the years. On the other hand, having to play fewer placement games throughout the season will allow players to improve how quickly they start ranked games.

However, an extra rank in the middle of competitive levels has created doubts in the player community. LoL developers, however, insist that having an Emerald rank is a good decision.

Emerald Rank

The new Emerald rank falls between the Platinum and Diamond ranks. According to Riot Games, this rank has been added to address the “distribution of rankings that is very much in the doldrums.” Statistics show more than 60% of LoL players are between Bronze and Silver levels. No doubt, this situation does not please Riot Games at all.

Riot Games, for its part, wants players who rank between iron and silver to be below-average players. So the Emerald rank has been added to flatten the curve. In addition, this rank is intended to avoid negatively affecting players in the Diamond rank.

The Diamond rank will be placed between the Platinum and Diamond ranks as of July 2023. With this new addition, the percentage of players is expected to be similar to the old Platinum.

Live end of Season CHART 03 1

Undoubtedly, players want to see how everything plays out in the rankings once the new rank goes into effect. This is especially challenging for players as it is a new frontier to overcome to reach the higher ranks.

According to Riot Games’ chart, the Silver and Platinum ranks should equalize. In addition, the Bronze rank is expected to be below the league. According to the developers, that rank should always have been.