Debunking the Myth: Does the Losers Queue Exist in League of Legends?

Debunking the Myth: Does the Losers Queue Exist in League of Legends?

12. February 2024 by Never

The concept of the Losers Queue, often whispered among League of Legends players as a dreaded phenomenon, has finally come under the spotlight as Riot Games addresses this long-standing myth.

As the community delves into the intricacies of the new season, Riot Games has stepped forward to dispel the rumors surrounding the existence of a dedicated queue for those on a losing streak.

Unveiling the Truth

The Losers Queue is believed to be a separate matchmaking queue where players, supposedly on a losing streak, are intentionally grouped together, leading to a continued string of defeats.

This theory has sparked debates among content creators and players alike, with many pondering its validity. However, Riot Games’ Lead Gameplay Designer, Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, has decisively put an end to this speculation, affirming that such a queue does not exist in League of Legends.

Addressing Misconceptions

Riot Phroxzon’s statement comes as a response to the widespread belief in the Losers Queue among players, a misconception fueled by frustrations during losing streaks.

Tired of the persistent discussions surrounding this topic, he offers valuable advice for players feeling stuck in their progression, encouraging them to focus on personal improvement rather than attributing losses to external factors.

Debunking the Myth: Does the Losers Queue Exist in League of Legends

In conclusion, Riot Games debunks the myth of the Losers Queue in League of Legends, asserting that matchmaking is based solely on skill level and rank rather than deliberate attempts to group weaker players together.