Blacklist International Triumphs at Asia Pacific Predator League 2024

Blacklist International Triumphs at Asia Pacific Predator League 2024

15. January 2024 by Never

A Landmark Victory: Blacklist International, also known as Blacklist Rivalry, has clinched its first championship of 2024 at the Asia Pacific Predator League, defeating Execration in a decisive 2-0 victory. The event, featuring top Southeast Asian teams, took place at the SM Mall of Asia Arena in Manila, Philippines.

Undefeated Journey to the Top

Dominating the Group Stages: Invited alongside teams like Execration, 747, and Aster.Aries, Blacklist International showcased sheer dominance. In several best-of-one series against teams including Myth Avenue Gaming and ZOL Esports, they emerged as the group stage leaders.

Playoff Prowess

Overwhelming IHC Esports: In the playoffs, Blacklist International continued their winning streak, breezing past the Mongolian team, IHC Esports, and advancing to the grand finals.

black list vs exe

The Grand Finals Showdown

Game 1: A Strategic Masterclass: The first game of the finals was a display of Blacklist International’s strategic superiority. With a significant gold advantage and Abed “Abed” Yusop’s outstanding performance on Dragon Knight, they secured a comprehensive victory.

Game 2: Tactical Brilliance: The second game saw a more balanced kill count, but Blacklist International’s strategic draft, including Naga Siren, Chen, and Luna, proved overwhelming for Execration, leading to a decisive win for Blacklist.

A Promising Future

Setting the Stage for DreamLeague Season 22: This championship not only marks a significant milestone for Blacklist Rivalry but also sets them up as strong contenders for the upcoming DreamLeague Season 22 SEA closed qualifiers, where they will face Among Us.

Blacklist International’s Stellar Victory at Asia Pacific Predator League 2024

Blacklist International’s victory at the Asia Pacific Predator League 2024 is a testament to their skill, strategic acumen, and the potential of their revamped roster. As they prepare for their next challenge, the esports world watches with anticipation.